Fall 2013 Move In

<p>Done! :slight_smile:
Headboard bookshelf assembled and attached to bed frame. Bed made. All unpacked.<br>
Started unloading the car at 9:35 and took every bit of a little over 2 hours.<br>
Took longer unloading as it was just the 3 of us and multiple trips. But it’s done.
Now, tiddy up, turn in the key, park the car in the garage, get lunch and start driving home.</p>

<p>Oh, weather was not too bad at all. Yea!</p>

<p>All the sorority girls are everywhere!</p>

<p>Last night as DD was moving in a father and daughter stopped her and asked if she was a sorority girl. She said “yes” and they asked if she had time to answer a few questions. They were visiting from California and had a lot! An hour later they thanked her for her time and went on their way. She was sitting on the balcony a bit later when they pulled up in front of her house and called for her to come down. They had gotten her a gift card to Mugshots as a thank you for taking the time to chat…so thoughtful! Yes…the girls are back on campus and getting ready for a grueling week of getting ready for yet again the largest recruitment in the US. If you are wandering during the week (before Friday) you might just stroll past sorority row…you might get a sneak peek at a door song or two. Many of the houses will swap with others in preparation for recruitment.</p>

<p>ahpimommy, we could hear the girls singing from D’s room in Tut. Every single place we went we saw girls from the sororities. We never point blanked asked any if they were in a sorority. Saw some houses playing games on the front lawns. Looked so fun.</p>

<p>When do the sorority girls go back? A full week before rush starts? Already planning summer vacation next year…</p>

<p>yes they move in the week before Squeal day</p>

<p>Prayers to all of those that left today and this week to head to T-Town to move in. Safe travels and may move in go very easily and without a hitch. If something should hiccup along the way, may it be just a minor glitch and the humor of it enjoyed by all.</p>

<p>And parents, at least try to find/do one thing that will embarrass your kid just a teeny bit so they can shake their head, roll their eyes and then you all can laugh about it years down the road. :wink: </p>

<p>Our kids are going off on the next journey of their lives. May it be blessed in more ways than we can imagine. </p>

<p>Safe travels y’all and Roll Tide</p>

<p>Seems every other car on the road has a roof bag and a pickup following with a bike in the bed. I think college decals should be mandatory tho. Can’t tell whether to wave or assume a haughty air… We are almost to Baton Rouge. Our car covered with “dynasty defined” etc decals, of course. Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>We are still recovering from our trip to T-Town, but happy to report all is well and the boy is all settled into his new digs in Haiti (oops… I meant Paty) and ready to help your students transition into their spaces! </p>

<p>I wish each and every one of you a safe trip up, down, over and back! I hope you and your student enjoys the experience as much as we have so far and that you savor every moment of it.</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>we moved kid in on friday and then headed straight to pensacola beach (kid included) for a few days. pretty good idea!</p>

<p>probably took 30 minutes to move all the stuff from the car to the room, then a good while longer to sort everything out/set everything up. </p>

<p>finally made it home last night at midnight.</p>

<p>D just went thru security to board her Bama Bound plane
Praying for safe travels and a smooth flight.</p>

<p>^^^Safe travels!</p>

<p>Is Paty really called/known as Haiti at UA? My son is dorming there. I know it is one of the older buildings but is it really that bad?</p>


<p>These folks are SO TOGETHER!!!</p>

<p>We were in the room 15 minutes BEFORE our move-in time.</p>

<p>There is a SHUTTLE back and forth to the Parent’s parking lot (Ten Huor by Publix) so do not walk back to the dorm in the heat.</p>

<p>Can not say enough good things about the move-in thing.</p>

<p>I hear from @spann that there is a lot of flooding in B’ham today. Safe travels.</p>

<p>If our move-in time is 10 am tomorrow morning, what time do we need to be there? Would they let us get in line at 9:45 if its long? And where does the line start? </p>

<p>Sorry for so many questions. This info may have been in the move-in packet - which we never got.</p>

<p>The line starts in front of your respective dorm.</p>

<p>Don’t think you can get in the line early. I was turned away when I got in 5 min early. The lines moved very fast at RCS last year and RW the year before. I don’t have any experience with the other dorms.</p>

<p>We came to get in line 15 min early for riverside east. No one in line and was told go on and we could have come even earlier. I think it depends on the dorm. I doubt they were letting girls get in line at Tut early. We had a great move in experience. So well run!</p>

<p>And it’s Tut. There was a loong line of cars waiting when we drove by today. I don’t know how fast it went. I’ll pray we get lucky tomorrow!</p>

<p>Last year we were not allowed in line at Tut even a minute early! We were not even allowed until about a quarter past our time. They were a bit backed up. Fear not, it is a well oiled machine! Once we were in line, it went pretty smooth!</p>