Fall 2014 transfer chances

<p>Last week went to visit TCU and fell in love with it. I am currently attending TCC, and would like to major in computer science at TCU, by the end of this semester I will have 47 credit hours and a cumulative gpa of 3.08. I read on TCU transfer website that they require a 2.75 cumulative gpa but can not find any info on what are the engineering school gpa requirements are. I know that my cumulative gpa is not stellar, but do I have a chance to be admitted with a 3.08 gpa?</p>

<p>Hi! I was wondering if you’ve heard back from TCU yet…were you accepted? I plan on applying next year with similar stats. </p>

<p>Hey I am not attending, had to cross it off of my list. I was admitted with a GPA of 3.62 but my friend was denied with a 3.19…it’s hard to say. I heard back pretty quickly (under a month)</p>