Fall 2018 appliation

Okay so ASB of rn I have 34 units and 10 semester units of AP credit total (44 units). I have already completed IGETC and majority of my major prep. I only need two more chemistry classes . (Genera chemistry 1 &2) as my last two major preps. Each chemistry class is 5 units . So with that I will have 54 units . I know I need 60 units to transfer to UCSB or any UC for that matter . Do the last 6 units auge to be somewhat related to my major (environmental studies BA)? Or can it be ANY UC transferable class ? I was thinking of taking honors astronomy and honors Chicano studies just so I can be certified at my local CC. Thank you so much for your help I appreciate it !!

I Assume you are using the TAG framework. There are a couple of gates, total units and you have to complete the classes on the list and finally, you need to meet the threshold GPA. As long as you meet those items, the content of your last 6 units doesn’t matter…