Fall 2024 admission decisions -FAU

It was supposed to be early /priority decisions for FAU today (October 1st). S24 didn’t see any decisions yet. Did anyone get Fall '24 decisions yet?

Not yet, although I have heard so many different timelines with their admissions I have no idea when they will actually release decisions.

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I have not received a decision yet. My portal has my application as “complete” and “pending review”. I am hoping to receive a decision soon. When did S24 apply? I applied at the beginning of September

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He applied in middle of August. He did a SSAR update. His status is also ‘pending review’. We didn’t hear any acceptances yet.

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Just randomly checked and my daughter said she is admitted to FAU. So must have come out yesterday or today.

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Congrats to your daughter. When did she complete the application?

It is still on pending review…

August 9, it was the first application she submitted in the common app.


Congratulations to your daughter. :tada: That is excellent news. Go Owls!

S24 got in to FAU!

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Congratulations!!! :blush: I also got into FAU! I am very excited to go to Florida Atlantic.

Nice! Congratulations to you as well! Do you know how soon we need to accept to get a dorm?

Thank you so much. I read the housing contract will become available on January 10, 2024. Priority will be given to students who complete the contract by April 1, 2024.


For those with decisions, what was the turn-around time. My daughter applied Sept. 9, but it’s still showing as “Complete- Pending Review”.
Also, did you send official scores, or self- report? I called admissions and confirmed that we could self- report, but I’m worried that perhaps we got the wrong information.

SSAR is fine. Turnaround time was 2 months +. At that rate, yours may be in couple of weeks.


Hi! I sent my official test scores to FAU and I self reported my grades from high school. The turnaround time from my completed application until a decision was approximately 2 months. I hope this information helps.
Best of luck to your daughter and I hope she receives her acceptance email soon.

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Hello! My son got his acceptance really quickly, in just a week. Hope others will be as timely :). Good luck! :+1:t3:

Does FAU offer merit (for those who have earned it) at the time of admission? Or some time later?

Are you in-state or out of state?

Their website says to self-report for the admissions process and then they check official transcripts when you officially enroll.