Fall Tuition

<p>Thanks! Done!</p>

<p>zebes- you have a third? My third child is now a sophomore in HS. I don’t count on bright futures still being in effect when he graduates HS in '12 but I can hope.</p>

<p>As long as the lottery is in Florida, Bright Future will be around.</p>

<p>Ah, so if your Estimated Aid Deferment is greater than your tuition, you don’t have to pay anything by any certain date? And if the leftover Estimated Aid Deferment is greater than your housing you don’t have to pay for that by the due date either?</p>

<p>I’m going to call UCF and speak with a financial aid representative or accountant within the next couple of days, but I’m trying to figure all of this out so I sound semi-informed on the phone lol.</p>