Family weekend

<p>Looking forward to Family weekend next week and to seeing our son in his new natural habitat…! </p>

<p>We are bringing his sister, a high school junior who has already developed a slight case of Bama fever…! driving out Thursday. We have a tour (group and customized) set up for her Friday and tickets to the game Saturday…</p>

<p>To all attending, safe travels…!</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>CC people should meet at the Honors College tent…(I think they have one…lol)</p>

<p>Are a lot of the families on CC going? We chose not to go this year, but D is really wanting us to come down soon. She said most of the local kids are going one this weekend. (Don’t get me wrong, she is having a BLAST!! She just wants us to come and experience it with her!)</p>

<p>I have 7 going for next weekend. Currently trying to decide if I am taking Friday off so we can leave early enough to tour the President’s house…it’s on my Bama bucket list.</p>

<p>As much as I want to go, we aren’t. It is our other daughter’s high school homecoming. We thought about driving down (2hours) just to hang out, but between playing in the band at the football game Friday night and the dance Saturday night we decided there really isn’t enough time to make it worth the trip. We hope to go another weekend if we can find a weekend that doesn’t involve band competitions!</p>

<p>We are not going for Parents Weekend…been there done that last year but will be down the next weekend for the Bama/ Arkansas game…for those who do go to Parents Weekend here’s hoping for nice weather and I am sure you will have a great time!!!</p>

<p>I had no intention of going to Parent’s Weekend this year; we went last year & it was fine but I didn’t feel like we needed all the hoopla since D wasn’t a freshman anymore. However, it is D’s birthday weekend and I felt a little guilty. Then DH got tix to the game, not knowing it was parents weekend. So we’ll be on campus & I will hang on the quad while DH & the D’s go to the game. Staying in Hoover on Saturday night.</p>

<p>Question: does the MDB do the same halftime show each week? D2 isn’t a football fan but would like to see the halftime show if they are doing the Elvis music again.</p>

<p>We are arriving Saturday and staying until Mon am, so we will miss the beach party on Fri nite. We are going to the lunch/tailgate thing? I forget where that is. We bought S a ticket in case he can stop by. Not sure what they may have going on at the House for parents weekend. Really looking forward to it. Hope to see some of y’all.
Maybe we can have a nice dinner on Sun nite once the crowds leave if S isn’t too busy. perhaps Cypress Inn, but they close fairly early on Sun.</p>

<p>We are also headed down for the weekend. Arriving Friday afternoon and leaving Sunday afternoon. We are staying n Birmingham. A lot of driving back and forth but that is okay. I’m looking forward to seeing my son and seeing the band on Saturday.</p>

<p>How is Tuscaloosa on game day as far as driving around and doing errands? Is it just the university area that is crazy or the whole city? My son needs a few things and we thought we could pick him up Saturday morning and get the errands out of the way. I started to think it might be crazy riding around near the mall and those areas. He needs some clothing.</p>

<p>Looking forward to the trip. Maybe we can meet up somewhere on game day.</p>

<p>We are not going down, either. Went when my son was a freshman two years ago, and even he said that it was too crazy and way too expensive to go down to see him. Maybe one of us can sneak in a trip sometime this fall.</p>

<p>We leave Texas early Friday morning for Parents weekend. We’re really excited about seeing our son and learning about his new adventures…and experiencing our first Alabama game. Hope all of you have a safe trip, wherever you are headed.</p>

<p>Anyone have any details about the Honors tent at the Quad? Or things not to miss before and after the game?</p>

<p>I’m thinking next year we would go down another weekend for football, but I can’t imagine it’s any less expensive or less crowded unless it’s a non football weekend.
We should formulate a plan for some quick intros, Honors tent? M2CK are you going to be there?</p>

<p>We are coming down Friday night leaving Sunday, staying in Bessemer. We did not purchase the Family Package but we do have game tickets, anyone have suggestions about what we shouldn’t miss doing while there? I know some of the activities do not require tickets. Bringing HS soph D.</p>

<p>*M2CK are you going to be there? *</p>

<p>I had bought the family weekend packages last spring when they came available, but later on learned that I’ll be out of town next weekend…so I can’t be there. :(</p>

<p>I definitely recommend the tour of the President’s Mansion. I don’t know if this is something you can do whenever you want. Someone please correct me on that if I’m wrong. </p>

<p>We loved the President’s Mansion tour, and it was worth going up early for that. If you can’t do that as part of Family Weekend, see if you can do it another time.</p>

<p>We will stay in Hoover, and not thrilled about the long drive, but elderly family members prevent me from making nonrefundable hotel stays. </p>

<p>We enjoyed the tailgate lunch last year and will go again this year. </p>

<p>This year, I will take the elevator up to my seats, even if it means missing half the game. As long as I get to see the band at half time, I’ll be happy.</p>

<p>On the other hand, if the Residence Inn Hoover is near the Riverchase Galleria, I’ll be happy. Love the Lego store there.</p>

<p>We debated it and decided to go down the following weekend because of some better airfare and hotel availablitiy.</p>

<p>I hear there’s lack of hotel availability the weekend of Sept 30th. Why is that?</p>

<p>Looking forward to this weekend seeing DS and all the family weekend events!!! We are headed down Thursday night and leave Sunday…snagged all nights with Hilton points!!!</p>

<p>Where is everyone parking on Saturday? I figured we could get a good spot being we will be on campus early in the moring and the game isn’t until evening. Am I being crazy? Suggestions on where to park would be appreciated. I was hoping to pick my son up in the morning to run errands and be back in time to park the car and just start having fun. I have no problem paying to park in a lot but not sure where might be best.</p>

<p>If you pay to park then the soccer lot will be your best bet. $20 I think.</p>

<p>However you can park for free in the downtown area. Come down Univ blvd from the west side and you’ll see available parking on Univ and on the side streets. You should be able to get as close as Queen City ave & Univ blvd. It’s much easier to get out of town after the game from this location as well.</p>