favorite professor?

<p>Can any current students comment on a favorite professor and why? I realize I could just google for a random professor at penn but really wanted some good ones, professors that students truly enjoy. Makes a class interesting/passionate/brilliant...who's your favorite professor?</p>

<p>I really would like to take a class with Allan Kors before I graduate. He has done some interesting things.</p>

<p>I could comment on professors I have had, but one semester’s worth won’t really do anything for the Penn prof essay.</p>

<p>Rimmer for Math 104. What a beast.</p>

<p>Rozin for Psych1…the man is inept with technology but very enthusiastic about the subject which makes for an entertaining class.</p>

<p>Haven’t taken any classes with him, but Dr. Raine in the criminology department is doing some interesting research; I went to one of his dinner-lectures and he is a good speaker.</p>

<p>i heard kumar from harold and kumar was a guest professor for upenn before lol</p>

<p>thats awesome did he teach how to construct the smokeless bong</p>

<p>haha he taught acting. i saw him there when i visited. it was sick</p>

<p>kumar!!! like kutner from house!!! i LOVE him!!!</p>

<p>I liked Niedermeier for marketing</p>

<p>jamieson for political comm</p>