fbi youth leadership program

omg my interview is friday! how did yours go? what did they ask?

so i logged on like 10 mins earlier cuz like i wanted to seem punctual and then three officers came in and we did some intro stuff and then he told me he was gonna ask me 10 questions and by the end of the week he will tell me who out of the 8 is selected. i dont remember very clearly what they asked but it was like what is criminal justice, what is ethics, what is the role of police, how did u find abt this, when was the last time u showed leadership, what are ur morals and values that sorta stuff i answered really fast so it went by quick, just be honest and answer what u think
i dont think they asked anything abt my essay and stuff
but other than that i just kept sweating the whole time with a big smile on my face. Good luck on yours!!!


can i still apply in the youth program?
Im not able to find the application

Here are links to more info:
It says on the first link that the application deadline was Feb 12, 2021. HOWEVER that wasn’t the case for my state. For example, I found out about the program on Feb 8th. I emailed the chapter guy (yes, I was seriously thinking about pulling an application out in just 5 days XD) and he told me the application deadline for Washington state was 2/24. So, find the guy from your chapter and email them: YLP Coordinators
Deadlines vary by state, it is possible you could still apply! However, do keep in mind it may only be a very short amount of time before the application is due.

Has anyone’s chapter made their decision yet?

I know CO and WY did

Hello! My name is Morgan and I applied to the Florida chapter about a week before they were due. I know I shouldn’t of waited that long but do you think I still have a chance since others have already gotten an interview? Thank you! Good luck to everyone!

I got selected for an interview for the VA chapter. I just finished up my interview and here are a few of the questions I was asked

  1. What is the role of the police?
  2. What is criminal justice?
  3. What are ethics and how do they apply to leadership?
  4. How have your morals changed overtime?
  5. Can you give an example of a time that you were a leader?

They also threw a curveball question at the end, but I won’t share it because it’s supposed to be something you respond to on your feet.

Also, they have a section where you can ask question. Ask them! Here are the ones I did:

  1. Why did you decide to join law enforcement?
  2. What is the role of the police to you?
  3. What are some law enforcement careers that don’t require field work?

I had the exact same questions and I had 10 they also asked about social media influence, ethics etc.

What other questions did they ask you besides:
What is the role of the police?
What is criminal justice?
What are ethics and how do they apply to leadership?
How have your morals changed overtime?
Can you give an example of a time that you were a leader?

My interview is tomorrow and I’m really nervous. I wanted to be as prepared as possible.

Do you know if the interview is the last step to getting into the program?

I’m from West Virginia, by the way.

Good luck to all!

I don’t remember much but i do know that “how does social media impact teens” was there
and yes the interview is the last step.


good luck!! and don’t stress it :slight_smile:

I had my interview and I think I did well. Hopefully, I get accepted. They said I should be notified this evening or tomorrow morning.

How long after your interview were you notified about being accepted/rejected?

I’m not related to anyone in the criminal justice field or FBI sigh. Honestly, that’s kind of messed up they give extra points for that. Just because someone is related to someone in the criminal justice field or FBI doesn’t mean they’re interested in that career field or the best candidate.

I was noticed within a week had it on tuesday notified next monday.

rejected :confused:

i wasn’t related either they said you dont need to be related but the updated version of the application says 10 POINTS FOR RELATION

Oh okay. I’m sorry.

They told me I should be notified sometime today, but I haven’t heard anything yet. I will let you know when I do.

They didn’t give me the opportunity to ask questions, so I was kinda sad about that.