FBINAA Youth Leadership Program

I am reaching out to see if any has any advice on how to get into the program. I just got accepted to get an interview, and if anyone has any tips or information about the types of questions they ask please let me know! Thank you.

Hello, I am applying to the program this year (2021) and I was wondering if you received any helpful advice or tips from last year that you could share with me? I really want to get into this program as it seems very interesting and I would appreciate any help I can get. Thank you in advance.

If anyone else sees this and has any information that would be helpful to get into this program please let me know! Thanks.

Hey, I’m seeing that you wrote this in 2020 and I know that the program got canceled that year. Did you make it to the interview process? and if so, could you give some advice for 2021 candidates?

Hello everyone! Last year I applied to the program and got accepted to the interview process. The interviews ended up being canceled, so there is not a ton of advice that I can give. The applications are out for this year, and you will need to email your local director if you haven’t received one already. I’m not sure really how to speak on passing the application stage, because I assume each state has different competitiveness. Here’s what I will say: I got accepted to the interview process before the application deadline. So turn it in early! However, the director of my state still did say that many do not make it to the interview process. Not really sure what else will be helpful, but I’ll tell you about my application. I had 6 community involved/volunteering activities and 8 extra-curricular activities. I had a 4.0 gpa. My essay was about daily leadership, about how everyone can be a leader. It also talked about how leaders stand up and inspire change. Other than that, I can’t really speak on anything else. Good luck!

Also, I just want to follow up and say that I didn’t turn my application in extremely early. It was due the 28th, I turned mine in on the 24th. I was accepted to the oral boards on the 26th.

Thank you so much. That is definitely useful information. Are you going to be reapplying this year or did you turn 17?

Last year was my first year applying, so I’ll be applying this year and I can apply next year as well!

Oh ok. Cool! I’m in the process of writing the essay and I’m really nervous. I also don’t have a lot of community volunteering activities. So that makes me even more scared. I really want to get into the program though. I want to be in the FBI when I get older and want to learn more about it and stuff like that. What made you interested in the program?

I wouldn’t stress over your essay too much. You want it to be good obviously, but don’t break yourself down over it. And you can honestly put down anything you’ve done in the community. It doesn’t have to be a huge fundraiser or anything. And your grade point average is the same amount of points as your Extra Cirrcucular Activities and your Volunteering combined. I also really want to get into the program, and about the same as you, I’d love to be in the FBI when I am older.

Thank you so much! Just one question, I was wondering about how long your essay ended up being? I’m writing mine currently and want to make sure it’s an adequate length. Thanks again your input was very helpful.

Sure, glad I can help! My essay from last year was 496 words.

It would be nice if there was someone on here who had some more experience with the actual interview process. But hopefully, one of us will get accepted to interview and be able to speak about it!

Thank you and yes that would be helpful good luck to you both! We should definitely post here once we find out if we were accepted so we can help each other for the interview!


Yes, that would be great. I don’t know if you guys are feeling the same way, but I know that I’m nervous and excited at the same time. Let’s definitely keep tabs on this chat in case anyone has anything else they wanna share or any new information. Good Luck!

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Yes I feel the same way, I am for sure extremely nervous as I really want to go to this program!

I feel like I am not going to have enough good stuff to put on the application, and I don’t really know what they are looking for. Theres not like a whole bunch of information on the criteria for program. Im also scared for the interview with the chapter (if i get in.) I don’t know. It might just be me lol.

No it’s not just you, I definitely feel unprepared and I wish the guidelines were more specific on what is needed on average to get in. I also feel like I won’t have enough extracurriculares even though I know it’s only one part of the application. What state/chapter are you applying through? Oh and yes the interview sounds terrifying but I’m just trying to take it one step at a time. I’m sure you will do great though! When do you plan on submitting your application, if you know yet?

Ya same, I feel that I don’t have enough community volunteer activities. I am applying through the state of Florida. How about you? I am going to try to submit the application as soon as possible. I just really need to finish the essay.

Nice. I am applying through Washington and same here I really just need to finish the essay so I can submit it early.

Haha I totally feel that! Omg I was so nervous for the interview last year, I bought a blazer because they said it was formal and then it got canceled the day before.