FBINAA Youth Leadership Program

Oh haha that’s an unfortunate coincidence! Thanks for your advice! I wonder if there were a lot of washington applicants this year, if there are already three on this thread lol. Where in Washington are you from?

yeah no problem :slight_smile:
i think one of the most unfortunate parts of the program is that only one person from each state can go…
im from seattle area too! im quite near where you are if you’re from sammamish

Ya I know it really sucks that they only let one person go, I heard that a few years back they actually sent 2 people from Washington, it sucks that they don’t do that anymore. Oh and yes I do live in Sammamish, what high school do you go to?

Yeah :frowning:
i just private messaged you my school name!

Hey guys so I’m sidney and I’m from iowa and I already got accepted for the interviews! I saw that’s some of you are from Washington and florida! For the interviews- I bet they’d ask us questions along line of “how would you describe yourself?”, “ how would someone describe you?”, questions about your essay, questions about why you want to go to this camp, why you want to be in the FBI, and other stuff like that. I hope that helps!!

Also- I have my interview this Sunday so if anyone has theirs before then definitely post in here what they ask! I can try and help you guys out after I have mine:)

Good luck!!!

oh also I haven’t heard anything about when I’m having mine, so sorry I can’t really help :frowning:

Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for the info you shared! I was accepted to the interview process in New England. Good luck to everyone else :slight_smile:

Hi, I have still not heard back from my chapter yet, but I just wanted to wish everyone good luck also!! :grin:

Hey! I am from Iowa as well, what part are you from? I am from the Greater Des Moines/West Des Moines Area. I wish you the best of luck!!! I am doing my oral interview tomorrow, what about you? You may not know this but how many other Iowa applicants are there? It is really unfortunate that Iowa only sends one so that means we are technically competing… My real name is Alexandra

Wow! Two from Iowa, and three from Washington now? Dang, maybe we will all get it seperate years or something!! That could be cool. My interview is a few weeks out, so it would be awesome if anyone who has theirs before that dropped some of the questions they were asked. Or you don’t have to, but I think a lot of us would appreciate it!

Oh, and good luck to everyone on their interviews!!!

I’m from Cedar Rapids! I have my interview at 1030 on Sunday! Good luck:)

Yeah sadly this is my last year to get in because I’ll have graduated by next year:( I applied last year because I was 16 and I didn’t know about it the years prior. This year I’ll be 17 which is technically too old but my chapter said it was okay because of covid

Oh my! I have my interview at 12:30 today… I just don’t want to get caught off guard.

That’s nice that they are letting you apply! I hope your interview goes well!

Good luck, you got this!!!

How was your interview??? What kind of questions did they ask??

hey I am having my interview in one hour? Any advice please???