<li>Does anyone ever take two Fiat Lux seminars in one quarter?</li>
<li>Is 16 units plus two Fiat Lux seminars too much?</li>
<li>Could you conceivably take six Fiat Lux seminars your first year?</li>
<li>Is it still possible to get into Fiat Lux seminars in your second year? Third Year? Fourth Year?</li>
<p>1) I am now taking two Fiat Lux classes, so yes.
2) I am taking 15 credits plus 2 Fiat Lux classes, so it should be fine for 16+2.
3) Yes you can.
4) In both of my Fiat Lux classes there are upperclassmen, so yes.</p>
<p>my friend took a fiat lux that required two 5-page papers. too much work for 1 unit, IMO. also, upperclassmen can only get into fiat luxes that aren’t filled by firstyears when second pass comes around. so your best shot at the popular fiat luxes is your first year.</p>
<p>My fiat lux this quarter, Africa in Global Contexts (French 19), had two or three seniors in it. Also, we were graded on attendance - no hw, no tests, no writing, no reading, only two videos to watch out of class. So if you’re looking for an interesting fiat lux w/ zero work, I recommend it. The professor, Thomas, is really cool and knowledgeable, and he has a cool British accent too. And we only met five times, so I have no Tuesday classes the last month of the quarter!</p>