Figuring out a schedule for MCB+Econ double major?

I’m a potential incoming freshman, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s feasible/possible/human to do a double major in MCB and Econ at berkeley. I’m really worried about not being able to get the classes I needed as prerequisites, and also trying to fit everything into 8 semesters, especially since I’m an international student so I have a lot of other requirements that I can’t test out of, like american history and institutions and both r&c courses.

here’s a rough schedule I’ve worked out that should cover pre-requisites/lower division courses for both majors.

sem 1:
math 53
chem 3a/l
econ 1
pol sci 1 (american institutions)

sem 2:
math 54
chem 3b/l
bio 1b
r&c 1

sem 3:
physics 8a
econ 101a
r&c 2
stat 2

sem 4:
physics 8b
econ 101b
mcb 100a
american history course

With this schedule, I’ll finish prerequisites, r&c courses, and american history and institutions, as well as probably 5/7 of the breadths, leaving me with american cultures and 2-3 more breadths to cover in junior/senior years. With a-level results, I can test out of math 1a and 1b, chem 1a/l and bio 1a.

-Is this schedule feasible? Or is it too heavy? Will I have issues getting these classes, and what should I phase 1?
-Is it possible to take math 53/54 (which I need for econs) in lieu of the math 10a/10b sequence that mcb requires, since 53/54 is a higher level anyway? The mcb faq says that I must request permission from the mcb advisors, but does any have any experience whether they’re okay with it?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help and advice!

Statistics 2 is not useful. You will need Statistics 20, 21, or an upper division course (e.g. 131A or 134) for the economics major.

If you prefer a more mathematical treatment of physics, consider Physics 7A and 7B instead of 8A and 8B if the MCB major allows it.

MCB may also have an opinion on what statistics course you should take if you choose other math courses besides 10A and 10B (which include some statistics. Why not ask the MCB department now what you should take (tell them you plan to take 53 and 54 for another major) so that you know before orientation and class registration?

You should check the old final exams of the courses you may skip with A-level results to verify that you know the material well. The old final exams are at .

@ucbalumnus Thanks a lot for your reply! Yes, I meant to write stat 21, not stat 2. As per your advice, I’ve emailed the MCB department to ask for their opinion and whether I can take the 53/54 series.

I’ve tried some of the old exams, chem 1a, bio 1a and math 1a all seem easy, and math 1b is a little bit tricky but doable.

I won’t be able to attend calso, so I’ll probably have a late phase 1 date. Do you think that will mess up my schedule?

Having a later phase 1 date would mean last choice of time slots. Be prepared to consider substitutions:

a. Math 53 and 54 can be taken in either order. However, note that some introductory differential equations material is covered in Math 1B, so be sure to know it before Math 54. See .

b. Since you are not planning to take upper division economics before second year, Economics 1 (or 2) can be flexibly scheduled either fall or spring. Economics 101A and 101B can be taken in either order.

c. The AH&I courses are not urgent and can be flexibly scheduled. International students can sometimes be exempt, according to .

d. Look at departmental web sites to see if reading lists and descriptions for R&C courses are available, so that you can pick those with readings most interesting to you.

e. Physics courses can be flexibly scheduled earlier than you have them, since you already have the needed math.

@ucbalumnus Thanks a lot for your advice! I emailed the mcb department, and they’re okay with math 53 and 54 as substitutes. I’ll probably spend some time this summer going through the math 1b material just in case! I also talked to a bunch of friends who did mcb or economics and got some advice, and so I’ve changed my schedule slightly, I’ll post it here for any future students who might want it for reference.

sem 1:
math 53
chem 3a/l
econ 1
r&c 1

sem 2:
math 54
chem 3b/l
econ 101b
r&c 2

sem 3:
physics 8a
mcb 100a
bio 1b
american history course

sem 4:
physics 8b
econ 101a
mcb 100b
pol sci 1

changes made: not taking chem 3b/l and bio 1b together, because both have 4 hours labs. mcb 100b can only be taken in spring, so I shifted my mcb schedule up a bit, and will do my econs upper divs a bit later instead. Also good to get r&cs done early, in case you miss a slot and have to adjust your schedule.

overall, I think it’s doable, but I’ll adjust as needed when I get to cal and actually see whether I can deal with the workload!

Do not forget the throw in Statistics 20, 21, or an upper division course if you want to declare the economics major as well. (Statistics is also useful in the biological sciences.)