<p>yeh this **** is crazy your not gonna believe it</p>
<p>apparently you cannot receive a Cal Grant and University Grant simultaenously.</p>
<p>acceptance of one means the rejection of the other.</p>
<p>so UCSD calculates their university grant based off of what you receive from other sources, scholarship, cal grant, etc..</p>
<p>however its calculated to assume that you accept both grants..</p>
<p>well initially i received like 8000 from cal grant and 3000 from university. however i never filed the GPA verificaiton sheet , so i was automatically inelgible for the cal grant..</p>
<p>so i called the university and told them my situation, and they decided to revise my financial aid in light of my inelgibility for cal grant</p>
<p>they than gave me a new university grant for 10+g's. I WAS LIKE WOAH thats like accepting the cal grant and university grant together....</p>
<p>that's crazyness....i do have a really high 3.6+ for first year but i don't think gpa is suppose to play into account for aid. so yeah my recommendation....for next year, try not applying for the cal grant and just going straight for the university grant.</p>
<p>However, would it not matter if you accepted both CalGrant AND UCSD grant? As you said, they assumed you had Calgrant, which was why the UCSD grant was low. But when you notified that you didnt have Calgrant, UCSD increased their aid to cover the amount Calgrant wouldve given you. So in the end: CalGrant + UCSD Grant (not covering for CalGrant)= UCSD Grant (covering for CalGrant as well).</p>
<p>OK so Ive got both a Cal Grant and UCSD University Grant.....n I havent been notified that I cant get both,infact I both were listed on my official FinAid award,so whats happenin here?will I get both or what?</p>
<p>can't accept both cal grant and UC grant together. generally one would assume that applying for the cal grant and uc grant together would be the best idea. but if one receives elgibility for cal grant, than one reduces the amount of uc grant. and since they can't be accepted together, the cal grant would be the obvious choice. however cal grant has a maximum grant aid of $8000. UC grant limit is much higher. so by not applying for cal grant, you are allowing yourself to receive the maximum amount of aid.</p>
<p>c) Students who apply properly but are denied receive priority consideration for replacement institutional grant if they have financial need. The Financial Aid Office expects all California residents to apply for Cal Grant and makes funding projections accordingly. Students who qualify for a Cal Grant but don't apply may not be eligible for replacement grant funds. </p>
<p>now im confused i'll prolly give the FAO a call again, and give a better reply</p>
<p>so i called someone who gave me a better answer....receiving cal grant reduces ur uc grant, and not being accepted for cal grant will allow for your university grant to be readjusted. so its kind of situational</p>