Financial Aid-ED

<p>I need these two questions answered quickly: they may be on other posts here, but my parents want to know A.S.A.P.</p>

<p>Does the new f.a. program cover room and board?
When do we get our f.a. packets? is it in may like everyone else? or when?</p>

<p>This is for ED.</p>

<p>If you had read the booklet, they said they calculated the possible costs you would have when applying there, and they add up possible Tuition Costs, Dorms Costs, Food, Books, and such. So I think they do cover mostly everything but personal costs.</p>

<p>okay thank you! Yeah that is what I read in the articles,but I just wanted to make sure because my parents wanted proof , and I just went blank. Thank you though!</p>

<p>No Problemo =)</p>

<p>Cornell is such a generous school. We should be grateful!</p>

<p>Does anyone know WHEN we get our financial aid reports because my parents really need to know?</p>

<p>Monday in the mail, supposively…in a huge envelope… I dunno if we get less money if we ED’d, but that’s what people had told me.</p>

<p>Less FA money for ED? I’ll be ridiculously ****ed if I end up not being able to pay.</p>

<p>Woah, woah, I just saying that someone told me. I personally don’t see how’s that possible. SO DON’T FREAK OUT. THEY HAVE TO PAY FULL WAY, if you are broke like me LOL. But seriously, they’ll make sure you leave college with the lowest amount of debt or even better most likely no debt.
Check their Website, they have news on that.</p>

<p>cool, thanks guys. All congrats on getting in =)</p>

<p>so the thing is supposed to come on monday?
im keeping my fingers crossed for 40k+</p>

<p>Hate to do this but… does anyone know how Cornell’s fin-aid is going to work if the parents’ income is less than 75k, but assets exceed 200k?</p>

<p>Yes, Fin aid nazi says: no money for you</p>

<p>kidding, but I have heard some crazy stories about cornell Fin aid, like people with a step dad who makes 2mil/year only paying like, 28k, or family farmers who need to pay all 50k/yr.</p>

<p>I’m definitely going to have to appeal the fin-aid package when I receive it on monday… My parents owned a business that made around 30k-ish a year, but it recently lost its contract so technically even though my parents still own it, it’s making nada for us.</p>



<p>Is that possible? Because I really need to do the same (appeal).</p>