Financial Aid Information Needed

I went to check on my financial aid status today, and I noticed that I need to fill out three forms: Parent Income Form, Student Income Form, and Dependent Verification Doc. Once I fill them out how do I send them in? Do I have to print and mail them, or do I just email them to the financial aid office? Anyone else have to fill out these forms? Thanks!

I would ask the school if they want them faxed or emailed. And do not delay giving them this information. They can’t give you financial aid information without it.

Did you submit a FAFSA? Are the tax returns finished and did you try using the data retrieval tool in the FAFSA to import the tax information?

Or did you not have to file a tax return and that’s why the want these forms filled out?

Also make sure you check your college email for important information.

@mommdc Thanks for the reply. It is surprising to me that I did not even receive an email alerting me to these documents that I need to fill out. I did submit a FAFSA, which they received, and I guess I will just email the financial aid office to ask about sending in those documents.

I’ve just emailed the completed forms to the FA office in the past.

@Madison85 Okay thanks for the info. I just emailed the financial aid office and will let you all know what they say. I just wasn’t sure about emailing when they as for an IRS transcript.

Yes. They did confirm that you can email the forms. However, how can you do that with the IRS transcript?

I would mail it. Since it probably has soc sec#s on it.