Financial Aid Packages/ Singer scholars?

<p>UM sent me my financial aid package this afternoon and it included the University Scholarship. Does anyone know if this reflects the final decisions for Singer (or is anyone's showing Singer on their financial aid package?)</p>

<p>I too am a singer finalist, so I hope this is not the final decision.</p>

<p>They said they would email us, so I feel like it would specifically address the Singer scholarship in the email, but I’m not sure. They weren’t too clear on it when I asked this weekend. Did you catch anything I missed?</p>

<p>I think you covered it, I’m pretty sure they are just taking into account our current scholarship and will adjust it next week once they make their decision.</p>

<p>Ahh, so nervous, GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>Next Saturday can’t come sooner. Good luck to you too.</p>

<p>Are they definitely going to let us know by next Saturday?</p>

<p>I’m hoping, I don’t think I can wait past Saturday</p>

<p>Has anyone who attended the Singer Scholarship Weekend 2/26-27 heard anything? We were told we would hear in 2 weeks and that was this past weekend.</p>

<p>Not yet. I heard Dr. Green say notifications would be in 2-3 weeks, which I interpreted as this week.</p>

<p>My wife says she heard 2 weeks stated later in the day, but I did not hear that.</p>

<p>Snake Eyes!</p>

<p>However they sweetened the pot with a 2k Gable award on top of the 24k</p>

<p>Good luck to all!</p>

<p>Received $4,000/year + Foote Fellow for the University of Miami. Disappointed that I didn’t get the Singers scholarship, but its okay. Politics suck.</p>

<p>Did the Foote Fellow notification come in the same e-mail as Singer?</p>

<p>Yes, I believe it did. I think there are 3 levels: $2,000, $4,000 + Foote Fellow, and Singer + Foote Fellow.</p>

<p>I got the $2000. I’m very disappointed. UM made it seem like everyone would at least get the Foote Fellow.
It’s not fair to get our hopes up and then make us realize that we’re not even good enough for the one-step-below-Singer scholarship. They should have clearly stated that there were 3 different levels, not that “everyone would receive around $3000” like Dr. Green said.</p>

<p>I’m reconsidering going there.</p>


<p>Does anyone know if it was easier to get the Singer Scholarship if we went to a later Singer weekend? All the people at the February weekend were Early Action, so I assume they were all particularly smart. I regret going that first weekend if my theory is true.</p>

<p>I’ve got Singer Scholarship!!!</p>

<p>Same ptsent, I’m pretty disappointed I didn’t get the Singer, or even the foote fellow. I do kind of wish I had gone to the later one now. But I am still planning on going to UM.</p>

<p>what were your stats (people who got $2000 & no Foote)?</p>

<p>ACT composite 34
Rank 1-560
SAT-II’s M II 800 Chem 750 Physics 760
Fl Resident
Great EC’s and Rec’s

<p>I have no idea how they decided who got what then.</p>

<p>I got ACT 33
MD Resident
~3.9 GPA UW
Excellent ECs
School doesn’t rank</p>

<p>I’m still incredibly disappointed. :(</p>

<p>UM is a great place. My DS also went to the Singer weekend last year and only got the 2000 Gables, No Foote or Singer, however, after many emails back and forth, I understand that he needed at least a 34 for Foote (he had a 33 on the ACT) and that was the only reason he did not get it. He had a 4.0/4.8 average and was 2/500 students. (We never assumed he’d get Singer, but we hoped) Yes, at the weekend they did make you assume that everyone there would at least be a Foote Fellow, but this was not true. However, this is his 2nd semester, he has taken required courses and truly is benefitting and learning what he needs to. English 101/102 has been a benefit. There is truly a reason why things happen the way they do. He is in the Honors Program, he is enjoying his classes and will graduate in plenty of time in the 4 years we hoped for. He has a roommate who is a Foote Fellow and many friends who are, but it is not a big deal to him. He is as bright as many of them, just not as good of a standardized test taker. No big deal. Yes, the money would be nice, but a 26,000 a year scholarship is a blessing and UM is a great place to learn. Be proud if you even qualified for a Singer weekend, as many did not and wished they had. Be proud that it is getting tougher to get into UM each year as the school’s reputation flourishes. I don’t think a later or earlier Singer weekend would have mattered. They have the standards that they go by and that’s it.
There are many places at UM to shine. You don’t have to be a Foote/Singer student to feel special. They treat every student in a special way, you can find your way and excel in anything you choose. This is not the end…it is a path to a great beginning. Congrats to all who got in this year. It was tough and you are the cream of the crop!</p>