Financial Aid/Scholarship Question

<p>Financial Aid Question?? I will be an out-of-state student (Texas) from an upper-middle class family, SAT 2020, GPA 4.0, rank 115 out of 750 (although I think this has improved) from a good public high school. I will have taken 6 AP classes by the time I graduate. I have been a varsity cheerleader for two years and I have worked as a gymnastics coach throughout high school, as well as being involved in a couple of clubs. I plan to major in nursing. Any chance at some decent financial aid?</p>

<p>What is the breakdown of your SAT? Top 14% is okay, but doesn’t line you up for the larger merit scholarships at UM. What kind of scores do you have on the AP exams so far? I assume you believe you won’t qualify for need based aid. If you are junior, you have more chances to take both the ACT and SAT - UM will superscore both.</p>

<p>Critical Reading - 700
Math - 660
Writing - 660
My rank is based only on my freshman and sophomore years of school. My grades my junior year were definitely better than my grades my freshman and sophomore years which is why I am thinking my rank has improved. My best AP score I have received is a 3 on English (I know, bad, I really struggle with these exams) and I have also taken the US and World History exams. I’m pretty sure I should qualify for SOME financial aid, I’m just not sure how much. I know some schools give more than others.</p>

<p>With no additional scores to factor in, my guess is you’d be looking at the 16k scholarship with an EA application. Of course, a lot depends on the composition of the applicant pool. If the resume strength keeps increasing, you could be waitlisted (probably worst case scenario) - but at least applying EA you’d know sooner and could adjust plans accordingly.</p>

<p>Retake SAT if you can - take ACT if you can. Keep a tough schedule in senior year and study hard for those APs. Good luck in the upcoming admission season!</p>