Financial Aid - When do we hear?

<p>So I sent in my FAFSA January 5th, and I have a large amount of need. Didn't get any scholarships.</p>

<p>It has said on MyUM that the "Current Awards" weren't going to be avaliable until February 1st, and now that it's been up, all it says is that no new awards are avaliable. </p>

<p>Does anyone know when we would hear about aid packages?</p>

<p>If you dig deep around the Miami website, you will finally find where they say something to the effect that financial aid packages will come out sometime in march. Which probably means they will release them as they process them and send them out in waves. FAFSA wasn't due until Feb. 1 so I would think they are evaluating them now.</p>

<p>LOL, doesn't matter for me since I was so advanced in my thinking to actually saved for my S's education, not realizing that for financial aid, this was obviously the LAST thing you would ever want to do if you didn't want to get penalized in this process..... :-(</p>

<p>I know what you're saying, but much of financial aid is mainly calculated from income. Thus, a family with low income that saved will still get a decent amount of aid, whereas a family with a high income that didn't save won't get as much aid.</p>

<p>Just called financial aid office. They will not start putting together FA packages until later in the semester starting later this month.</p>