Financial Aid??

I’m sort of freaking out right now. I am applying Early Action to UM, and one of the requirements for that is submitting the CSS Profile and 2014 Tax transcripts. However, in order send in in the tax transcripts, I think I have to post them to CaneLink. To get my CaneLink account, I have to submit my application on the Common App. They say it takes 3-4 business days for the application to get processed. I have not yet submitted my application. Everything is due November 1st, 3 days from now. Will I be able to submit my financial aid info on time? Or am I screwed?

@Kyerin911 I don’t recall submitting the tax transcripts through CaneLink last year. If you haven’t applied yet how do you know that you have been selected for verification and must submit the tax transcripts? A To Do List will appear once your CaneLink is up and running and if you’ve been flagged for verification it will show up there.

I didn’t submit it but my CaneLink says my application is complete.

@saffysmum Ohh, I see thank you! That relieves some of my worries. So I guess it seems like the tax transcripts are only for verification?

@TotallyTrudy Thank you!! Phew, I feel way less stressed now. As long I’ve submitted my application and CSS, I’m good, right?

@Kyerin911 Yes, tax returns everyone must submit but tax transcripts are only for those whose accounts have been flagged. It will show up on your To Do List in CaneLink if the university wants you to send them.

I was unaware that the CSS was due on November 1st. If I didn’t turn it in on November 1st will I not be considered for financial aid?

Same sort of thing happened to me. I applied EA, submitted common app like October 31st and then it was like “SURPRISE the CSS profile and all the documents are due in a day.” I got the profile in on the 1st but couldn’t get my tax returns emailed for a couple more days. Recently I called admission to make sure they received them both since they were still on my to do list online, and they said they hadn’t even processed most documents yet. Checked cane link today, and it’s not missing anymore. Oh, and I literally just got my noncustodial parent profile and tax returns to them like a week ago, and when I called admissions they said that was fine. I don’t think you have any reason to worry:)