First C ever in first semester senior year??

So in the second quarter of my senior year, I got a C in AP Stat. I got a B first quarter, but this will be my first C in all of high school. The semester grade will average out to a B, but since they can see quarter grades as well it really concerns me. I got straight As in every other class for both first and second quarter. I’ve already been accepted to VT as an early decision applicant, but will they look at/question that C very closely, considering I’ve been an almost all A (occaisional B student)? It just makes me nervous. Any kind of input would be really appreciated!!!

@hokie1721 I wouldn’t be concerned about the C. Also, where my daughter goes to school, the official transcript that is sent to colleges only shows the semester grades, not quarter grades. You might want to check with your school to see if that is what they do, too. In my opinion, one C is not grounds for a rescission. I think it would be another story if you failed all of your classes.

@hokie1721 Don’t worry, schools don’t see quarter grades, they only receive semester grades and final grades. I had the same situation and I asked about it and they made it pretty clear that quarter grades are never seen by the college.