First Choice BU

<p>I'm an African-American student from Memphis, TN.</p>

<p>3.9 gpa
28 ACT
Varsity Track (3 years)
Varsity Football (3 years)
Chemistry Club
Young Democrats Club</p>

<p>Classes Taken:</p>

<p>Honors Geometry
Honors Algebra II<br>
Functions and Data Analysis
Honors English 9
Honors American Literature
Honors Brit Lit I
Honors Biology
Honors Chemistry
AP Biology
AP European History
Honors American History
New Testament
Art I
Spanish I & II, Honors</p>

<p>I've done well in Science, English and History Classes with an A average. I average a B in everything else. What are my chances of getting into Boston University, University of Arizona, U Conn, and Northeastern University? Oh Yeah, I go to a private all boys school that is non-denominational and mostly white. It's also considered among the best in the nation with a 100% college acceptance rate. Neither of my parents graduated from college, and I come from a low income family.</p>

<p>UofA most definitely
I can’t chance you on the rest (I’m new)
BUT I live in Arizona, so I know UofA </p>

<p>It all looks pretty good. More AP classes would’ve helped but you’ve done a LOT already.</p>

<p>Im from Boston and I can say with confidence that you will get into Northeastern and BU. </p>

<p>To give you a better understanding, I know people who had gpas between 2.9-3.2 that got into both BU and Northeastern. The fact that you are black with a high gpa, above average test scores (you might want to take the SATs since colleges in New england favor that test) and decent EC’s (they aren’t good, but not bad) will make you a favorable candidate!!</p>

<p>The question is how much money each school will give you. It is said that BU is more generous than Northeastern…but with this econemy the way it is…who knows? I mean all the people that I knew who go to one of those schools, will be at least $20,000 in debt. However there from middle class famillies, not low class. </p>

<p>I wish the best luck to you.</p>

<p>Yeah, you’ll get a REALLY good financial package with UofA if not a scholarship b/c Arizona is one of the dumbest states (it’s like number 47 or something like that), and our state test is called AIMS. If you exceed on the AIMS and keep your grades up, you have a guaranteed scholarship to any Arizona state school (they just took ASU off the list). You get it all just like that. My friend is in Upward Bound, and her older sister was in it too. My friend’s sister has never paid for anything in college, and she goes to ASU. The schools are pretty lax down here, so don’t worry at all. ASU and UofA are good schools and so is NAU, so I’m sure you’ve got it in the bag.</p>

<p>i got into BC with that same gpa…</p>