<p>Today marks two important milestones for our D:</p>
<p>First Day of Class at UA
18th Birthday</p>
<p>Guessing she is pretty stoked about now – but killing Mom and me not celebrating birthday with her; Maybe a roadtrip after work - then a very late road trip home so we can work tomorrow…RTR!!!</p>
<p>m2ck, she has most classes on Tu/Th - lab on Weds (that did not meet yesterday) with a late class on Monday and no classes on Fri.</p>
<p>I think we got some kind of sage advice from all the smart people on a site called CC or something like that - knew to register as soon as holds were lifted, knew to have a list with 2 or 3 choices for each class/time.</p>
<p>Yep beth’s mom, she is finding plenty to do and seems to be having a blast – the schedule is designed to allow her to come home Thur afternoon and travel back either Sunday evening or early Monday morning – but she is doing some kind of overnight trip with Baptist Campus Ministries, so she is not coming home this weekend. In fact, she is having so much fun, she might not want to come home. :)</p>
<p>We are glad she is being outgoing and interacting – RTR!!!</p>