Anybody Else Going to University Days?

<p>DW, DD and I will be going to the airport in a couple hours for our flight to Birmingham. All three of us are looking forward to seeing the campus. DD is quite taken with UA and DW who was initially sceptical really enjoyed the reception UA hosted in Chicago back in October. DW and I are especially interested in how our “blue state yankee” will feel about the fit. Is anyone else attending?</p>

<p>Hi ChicagoBear…we are another Chicago family and I thought I’d say hi. Daughter is firmly committed to attending UA. We did a University Days tour in combo with our Honors tour and it was great. D felt at home just walking on campus. We were at the Chicago reception and that was my hubby’s first exposure to UA other than what D and I had been telling him. He was impressed, but really needed to see the campus, which we did at Capstone Honors days last month.</p>

<p>He was sold after hearing about all the opportunities at UA. We met several family’s from Naperville, Aurora and one from Frankfort. There are several of us on this board, so just ask away if you have any questions.</p>

<p>Have a great trip! If you need any restaurant recommendations just post. I’d recommend Dreamland BBQ!!! Doesn’t look like much from the outside, but WOW the ribs are amazing. Some fun places to the West of the Stadium in the area called the Strip. </p>

<p>Have fun and post back and let us know what you thought. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.</p>

<p>Just returned home from University Days and I can report that we all had a great time!! While it was a little overcast on Sunday, today was sunny and warm. (Of course cool in Tuscaloosa is still fairly warm if you’re from Chicago!)</p>

<p>All of the staff and students were extremely friendly and willing to help in any way. Several went out of their way to assist with directions and answer questions we had. We were very impressed by all of the new buildings and construction as well as the general beauty of the campus. The pride of everyone involved with the university came through in their presentations as well as casual conversations.</p>

<p>There were so many prospective students and their families that the general presentations had to be broken into two sections. The breakout sections by college/school were detailed and informative. Lunch was served in the football stadium overlooking the field. Nice opportunity for pictures. The afternoon sessions had presentations on financial aid, student account billing, housing and scholarships. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, we had to leave by 2:30 to catch the last non-stop to O’Hare, so we were not able to hear the full presentations on the Honors College or tour the open dorms. We were able to speak to Allison for a few minutes before her presentation and she gave DD a quick briefing and said she could call her if she had any further questions.</p>

<p>With its well run program UA is at the top of the list with DD - and Mom and Dad. We may plan a return visit to tour the dorms and properly tour the honors college sometime next year.</p>

<p>PS - we loved Dreamland BBQ!! A co-worker who is originally from Birmingham also said it was a must see - it was fantasitic. And if there is any question concerning Northerners going to UA, the student sitting next to us at Dreamland was from our conference rival Barrington.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that your visit went so well.</p>
