<p>DS is headed to ND this fall. Can any current students fill me in on the FYS program? My DS has a strong interest in humanities. What types of math classes can he take to get that requirement out of the way? (currently in AP Calc). Thanks!</p>
<p>[The</a> First Year of Studies // University of Notre Dame](<a href=āUniversity of Notre Dameā>http://fys.nd.edu/)
The website is great, but plan on spending more than a few minutes looking because there is a lot of very good info. If he is not planning on majoring in engineering, science, or business, higher calc may not be necessary. Two math classes are required in FYS, but AP credit can sub for some or all depending on AP classes/scores. AP credit will sub for a number of other classes, too. The advisors are excellent, and the FYS building Coleman-Morse (known as Como) is new and a great place to study or go for tutoring.
Let me know if you have specific questions on FYS from a student viewpoint and I will tell you what I know. I think the program is great, but Iām looking forward to getting into my major next year.</p>
<p>Thank you for the link and for your response. DS is looking forward to the fall!</p>
<p>If he is doing ok in AP calc, his A&L math requirements should be fairly easy to fulfill. Finite qualifies.</p>