Fish Camp

<p>Former/Current Aggies, I'll be attending TAMU next fall and I wanted to know what all goes on at Fish Camp.</p>

<li>What all activities go on?</li>
<li>How long is fish camp?</li>
<li>Where is the camp at? I think Palestine?</li>
<li>How fun was it?</li>

<p>Fish Camp will be an experience you will never forget and where lifetime friendships are made. It is where the brainwashing begins for the rich traditions of A&M. You will also learn all the very important yells! The friends I made at my fish camp back in 1982 remain my best friends today. My daughter will be a freshman this fall and can’t wait to go. I am also excited to say that this year’s fish camp will have two counselors that are my former students. You will love it! Don’t miss it!</p>

<p>A neat thing about Fish Camp is that your FC group will continue to get together once school starts. My daughter’s group walked the campus with their counselors before the first day so everyone would know where their classes were. They got together frequently to eat and do other social activities, and they all sat together at football games. It was a great way for the little “fish” to keep from getting lost in the big pond during their first semester!</p>

<p>Its kind of silly. You think you’re a big man/woman starting college, and the first thing they have you do is these crazy junior high chants. Its a little weird, but enjoyable getting to meet your future classmates nonetheless.</p>

<p>A little more realistic outlook:</p>

<p>Fish Camp is a great way to get you started at TAMU. You learn their traditions, meet some potential friends, and have a chance to goof off. However, most people I know don’t even talk to the people/fish camp counselors they went to fish camp with anymore. So, the whole “life-long” friends deal is a little bit of an advertisement. But it is nice to know some people, and know some upper-classmen prior to arriving at TAMU. Why not attend? You have nothing to lose. Sure it may seem weird and you may want to leave while being there, but it has its benefits.</p>

<p>When is it?</p>

<p>in august (8 - 26)</p>

<p>four day sessions</p>

<p>Try this link to get information about fish camp as well as dates:</p>

<p>[Fish</a> Camp 2010 ~ A Freshman’s First Tradition | Fish Camp](<a href=“]Fish”></p>

<p>Fish camp is about five days long. You learn some of the yells for Aggie sporting events and have a few dances and things like that.
It is one of the biggest wastes of time I’ve ever seen. There was not a moment there that I was not uncomfortable or overwhelmed by the noise and “school spirit” of the fc staff. People talk about it being a “great tradition” and how you make “lifelong friends”, and while that may happen once or twice, the vast majority of the people that go lose touch with the “friends” they make within the first three weeks of the semester.
Do yourself a favor, join the Corps, where you will actually make lifelong buddies who won’t blow you off or leave you out to dry.</p>

<p>Mervous – my kids did not have the same experience you had at Fish Camp. Both would say it was a wonderful experience, a great way to begin their college years and they, personally, didn’t know anyone who didn’t end up having a good time. Sorry it was a disappointment for you!</p>

<p>Both of my kids also enjoyed Fish Camp. It was a great icebreaker for them, maybe their expectations were different than yours - they knew it was all about yells, traditions & meeting fellow new Aggies. They actually welcomed the efforts of their counselors to have get togethers during the first few weeks of school to help transition into college life. Fish Camp is optional, but my kids never regretted their decision to go. Glad you found a home in the Corps (assuming you did, given your suggestion to join). </p>

<p>Fish Camp was an absolutely great experience for my daughter. So much so that she has been a counselor and chair for the organization through college. It is student run and volunteer so these kids have a real passion for the college and sharing/welcoming new Aggies. Not everyone’s cup of tea but at a college so rich in tradition it is nice to learn them. My son is presently at T Camp so will let you know on that one.Go check it out. You never know unless you try. Part of the college experience is trying new things and finding what fits. Good luck!</p>