FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

I applied for the Fashion Business Management for Fall 2020. The forms were due February 1st and I emailed an admissions counselor who said my application is complete. Now I am just waiting for my decision to come. What should I wait for? Do they send an email, letter, or do I have to check on the MyFIT account? If I check through the account, how do I do that? Also, how long would it take to get an answer? I couldn’t find a clear answer and am getting nervous. Some places say a couple of days and some say April.

Normally all applicants receive their decisions by April 1st although some get it sooner. If you live in the US they normally send the decision letter to your house although they told me you receive it electronically too.

Hey guys! So i applied like two days before the due date, and my COA is already updated. problem is that it is only for one semester and not the entire academic year. I am a NYS resident so i expected it to be around 12k but its showing 6k (approx). Im also not need-based. does this mean something? Should I call FIT or be concerned lol someone pls help me.

MyFIT will not let me click on the “Application Status.” Earlier it said some things were timed out? Has this happened to anyone else? Does it mean anything?

Nvm! my COA updated again (it doubled in price), and I have a green check mark for initial review. Hope this is a good sign, not gonna jinx it tho lol

My son’s COA updated today!

I applied fitnyc for illustration major. I’m so worried since I have a very low gpa. I know that illustration major is less competitive than other majors such as business or fashion major. I wrote excuse about my grade on essay but I’m really freaking out right now. I think my portfolio is fine. Also I’m international student. And did you guys get an email saying that your application is complete?? Because I didn’t get it but I heard that some did. But all of my requirements are checked as submitted on myfit. I called them if it is all submitted and they said yes.

where can i find my cost of attendance?

I wouldn’t have given excuses on what’s happened unless it was very much out of your control… if admissions says they have all they need from then you’re good and their decision is out of your control.

You have to have applied for FinAid to access a COA estimate.
Login to MyFIT and click on “check my financial aid checklist” and then “academic year 2020/2021” and then “award overview”

For those of you who see their COA updating, would you mind letting us know if you applied early, and also to which major you applied? FIT is my DD first choice, so she’s anxiously waiting to find out if she got in.

Shes assuming she will receive an email. Are you also getting email updates?

She’s out of state (west coast) so not sure that will make a difference or not?
Thank you and congrats on your updates!

Mine changed and I had my application finished by November. I also applied for the Pres. Honors Program and all my materials for that had been turned in by the end of January. I applied for Fashion Business Management. Wishing your daughter (as well as everyone else) luck!

Our COA updated & now has a green check by Final Financial Review. My son did the SUNY application in Oct. He submitted his essay/FIT application Jan. 2. The H.S. transcript was received in Dec. He applied for FBM.

Thank you for your replies! Does FBM require a portfolio? My DD major required a portfolio is why I ask.

No portfolio for FBM.

Ok! Thanks so much for letting us know. Congrats to you all. It’s such a great school, I’m sure you’re thrilled!

I applied for illustration too. Good luck ?

I just checked my financial aid status and it has yet to be reviewed? I applied in October and had all my paperwork turned in early? I’m very worried and don’t know if I should still have my hopes up ( I will be emailing asking why it has yet to be reviewed)

I wouldn’t worry! I think these things just take time, so don’t lose hope. Who knows what their methods are and why some students find out sooner than others? Might be by major? Or Region? Or just the order the applications arrive?
Let us know when you find out anything and good luck!

Awe thanks! This made me feel a lot better and I hope I hear back soon! Good luck to you!