FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

(For whoever asked) My COA updated first week of feb & then completed final review a week after. Now it just says “award available pending admissions”. Im a NYS resident & i completed the SUNY app the last week of Dec & submitted my supplements Jan 27th. I also did my fafsa Nov 1st. Oh and i also got a postcard that said thanks for applying in feb! hope that helps, good luck to everyone!

my financial aid checklist has an exclamation point next to “initial review” and no green check yet so hopefully that isn’t a bad sign :confused: does anyone elses’ not have a check yet?

To everyone,
Don’t be worried if your COA hasn’t updated or you don’t have a check mark besides initial review. FinAid is completely backed up by submissions of documents and are updating portals constantly. If you submitted some more than a month ago (not FAFSA but documents they requested on the portal ) call to have a counselor have the system manager check for your email or fax in their data. I called cause they had requested documents on the 12th last month, I sent on the 13th and the portal randomly changed to the documents being requested on the 2nd of March so I called and the checked and updated my portal. Please don’t call if you only submitted last week or two weeks ago. They’ll take 2-3 weeks to update your portal to reflect submitted documents. Portals are updated based on day you submitted your FAFSA. Most whos portal changes from final review completed seemed to have used the IRS Tool or require no aid (are not expected to get aid ) from FIT.

@ayeitztasha I think it’s randomized because a lot of people who are need based got their COA already. & a lot waited a while to do their FAFSA

Where it says the COA for me it also says room cost which is about $2,500. I’m an instate student but the application also says housing status “with parents”. I believe I remember putting down I want to dorm so could anyone tell me what this means?

@pugieve I have that too. I called and they said it’s just because I live too close to the city (Long Island) but we can still apply for dorming. it doesn’t mean anything dw!

Oh alright, thank you!

@gpichardo230 did you apply to a major that required a portfolio?

Congrats on your updates!

Hi everyone! As decision day is coming closer and closer I’m getting way more anxious about getting in. I applied to FBM which I know is very competitive and I had a pretty low high school GPA (2.9) because of some things that were out of my control which I mentioned in my essay. In my opinion, my essay was very good but I know grades do play a role in the decision. Does anyone know of anyone who’s gotten in to FIT with a lower GPA?

@aamccaffrey hey! i applied for spring term 2020 for FBM. I had a similar GPA to you (2.8) and I worked pretty hard on my essay and got rejected! I was super bummed but i’m trying again for fall after raising my GPA to a 3.6 at community college. I have heard of people with GPA’s under 3.0 getting accepted but more so towards the design program rather than business. I wish you the best of luck!

i was going to check my COA again but the portal was down? is it down for anyone else?

It’s down for everyone. Our Admitted students page is up and major curriculum is posted for Fall 2020 entering. Huge updates hopefully for a lot of people on Monday.

For business majors you have to have above 3.0 cause the only other major component admissions can review you on is the essay. For design majors it can go below 2.5 but your essay AND portfolio must be great.

I really hope so. My COA has yet to be updated, hopefully something will be different when the site comes back ?

COA page isn’t down anymore, at least for me.

I did take college courses at the community college near me and got a 3.2 GPA. Even though my high school gpa was below a 3.0, do you know if they would they consider my college GPA instead?

@aamccaffrey don’t give up hope! I believe admissions does take your entire application into account. Are you now considered a transfer student because of community college credits? That might put you into a different admissions category, so keep that in mind (One with a 3.2 GpA!) If you explained your reasons behind your low GPA, that helps too.
Did you have high SAT scores but low GPA? Were your low grades attributed to a life circumstance that by any reasonable viewpoint one would understand your dip in GPA? You don’t have to answer these questions here but just know that admissions staff do take extraordinary circumstances into account.
Good Luck!

If you submitted it then it’ll be considered and you’d be under admissions type “freshman advanced standing” if you have credits transferable into FIT courses. You can check you Admissions type in MyFIT under application status > Fall 2020

You college GPA will not be looked at alone but with your High school gpa but idk what courses you took and how they match to FBM classes. Most math is a big importance for the major.

Unfortunately SAT scores aren’t used in consideration for admission at FIT. SAT/ACT scores can be submitted but only for use after acceptance for placement into math and English classes