FIT Applicants - FALL 2020

@holaiitslola -its a great question! Call admissions. That would be best way to get your answer.

Even in the best of times, the way they roll out admission decisions is very frustrating for a lot of applicants, or so it seems.

After reading through last year’s thread, March 23rd seemed to be one of the dates when people started seeing some packets arrive, or at least those who were accepted. If I recall correctly, the packets were post marked around that date, but depending on where you live, it arrived a few days, to an entire week, after that.

The rest of the thread was gut wrenching reading from a parents’ viewpoint…some applicants were sort of dangled along while others were told over the phone or via email. Not real consistent, which never seems fair.

If you do call, please let us know what they say.

Good luck to you all!

Hey everyone so someone in a group of applicants called and they found out from admissions that they still plan on sending out decisions March into April and postal service sending them is still the plan.

@ayeitztasha thank you!

FIT is going to online classes for the rest of the semester - Cuomo just announced it for all SUNY schools.

hope all students and staff stay safe and healthy. Any word on if decisions will be delayed?

Decisions should not be delayed! Fortunately, though FIT is having online classes, administrators are still working, so decisions should still be around late march-early April. Good luck to everyone!

I’m trying to check my coa but it says ‘No award information is available for you at this time, please contact your financial aid office if you have questions.’ I logged into myfit and clicked ‘Go to My Financial Aid Checklist’, then selected aid year 2020-2021. But all of them were blanked and stated things like that on the middle of the page. Is that a wrong way to check coa? Or just not international applicants’ thing cause I’m an international student. And i also didn’t register for financial aids. But I thought even my coa is not updated, at least it should be stated as 0. It’s very confusing. And is it possible to get into illustration major with low gpa? I believe that my portfolios are very strong since I got lots of compliments by one of the professor on the portfolio preview day, but reeaaaalllllyyy worried about my grade?

International applicants can’t view COA statement cause you can’t apply for financial aid. Your COA would be the same as out of state with a few extra fees for visa application so about $35k-37k. (If you’re going to dorm, this’ll be much higher) If you have a low gpa you’d have to counter that with a strong essay and strong portfolio.

@ayeitztasha how do come up with $35-37K?

My DD would be payIng OOS tuition, and I calculated tuition to be roughly $18K/yr ($9k/semester)…plus housing costs, books, etc. I thought I read OOS tuition for AAS degree was about $8000/semester.

You’re stating twice this amount, then add housing? Is that because you’re including food, transportation, etc? Or do most students not utilize student housing so it’s more expensive?

If you have any idea as to what DD should expect to budget for extras, I’d really appreciate hearing what you all think is a reasonable amount to budget. I realize it’s all subjective, but say if the food is awful, about how much would a typical student spend on lunch near the campus? I assumed $20, but I’m really just guessing based off of when we visited last summer.

Thanks so much, you’re a great source of information!

Good luck to everyone!

We’re OOS & housing is included on our COA - about 35K total.

@Litva4 thank you! I’m clearly way off with the numbers so thanks to you and @ayeitztasha for the heads up.

I hadnt checked out the COA page…not even sure where I found those other numbers…anyway, thanks again.

It does include fees, transportation, meals etc. if that helps!

@Litva4 yes! I see all the various costs now. Thank you!

@Mimi2018 no problem! I’d check out the current rates of the dorms first years are allowed to dorm in. With housing, as new FIT students we’re gonna be required to have a meal plan.
Here’s the current rates for this academic year:

@ayeitztasha thank you! You’re so helpful!

Hey guys, I just found this thread and I have applied for the AAS Fashion design program for this fall. I am freaking out right now, so any updates?

I’m so anxious to hear back too. Has anyone heard of anyone receiving a decision yet?

In last year’s thread, people were reporting that some acceptance letters were dated around now. In fact I’m pretty sure it was a march 17 batch, but I could be getting the numbers wrong. So…first batch hopefully out soon? I’m a New York resident so I’m really hoping that I get mine soon

no news for me yet but i’m all the way in california lol hoping all our admission dreams come true

good luck! just wondering, any other illustration applicants in here? ? I haven’t seen anybody else online