FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

Also I understand if you’re in this forum at all, chances are you are really invested emotionally in this school. However, if anyone so far has heard back and didn’t get accepted, if you are comfortable talking about it, it might be really helpful to share what your portal looked like. If you weren’t accepted but you still got the portal changes it would debunk a lot of theories on here.


This is my third time applying, I’m a transfer with over 100 credits. I’ve tried for FD TD and finally TDM. So far all three times I never had COA change, and my Financial aid checklist never changed. Last two times I received a letter. So email thing is new for me. I never got any notice about transfer credits.

Yes but she would need transfer credits awarded to qualify for the 1 year accelerated program so not sure how that would work. Their transfer admissions staff was not super clear or helpful through this process.

No email about transfer credits and you were not accepted correct?

Are you sure? Did a transfer counselor say so? On their webpage under the transfer admissions section it says that the transfer credit evaluation comes prior to registration-you only register for classes after being accepted. So I guess it can come anytime before then?

That’s what I was trying to say. you might find out about the credits after acceptance

Oh ok. Got it! Thanks everyone for the help.

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That’s what I am hoping. The one above who got an email on 3/1 stating they had transfer credits awarded has thrown me off!

I am a transfer as well and I never got that email.


Thank you for that info.

Waiting is excruciating especially as a transfer!!! There is no other option for me, too! I wish they sent out transfer admissions first, lol

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I GOT IN! I’m oos from virginia, not a ps, and a communication design major :slight_smile:


Same and it’s tough. I know it’s competitive in general and they can only take transfers if the program has space. Best of luck!

Great job!!

CONGRATULATIONS!! that is so exciting! you should be very proud : )

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Oh no is that really true?? I never knew that. Did admissions tell you this?

No- read it from previous years forums comments.

The good news is this may not be true- I know a transfer who was just accepted this morning! A regular applicant not presidential scholars.


Awesome to hear! Did she get the transfer credit email? Fingers crossed for us all!

yeah they probably base the number of transfers on a quota they have to meet rather than to just fill empty spaces