FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

Nope!! She got no email about it. Which is great news for us both. There is hope! Lol.

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has anyone gotten rejected

Yes correct

what she said y’all^^^

I got into communication design 1yr! Im a transfer and also imternational student. I got my acceptance letter at 10:49. Sending good lucks to everyone else!


it says it for “Admissions type” when you go on your myfit account and look at application summary. its just “freshman advanced standing” because I am in a dual enrollment program but i just noticed in my welcome email it says im an “outstanding applicant” and i remember seeing earlier they did say those type of applicants tend to hear back sooner but we dont know for sure so don’t stress!!

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Hi everyone, I got my acceptance email at 5 pm for the 1 year AAS AMC program. Im transferring from a community college in MD. So far I haven’t seen any changes in my portal and I never got the email about transfer credits.

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Congratulations! That’s what my daughter is waiting to hear about. Fingers crossed!

I got in!! I applied to the fashion design AAS major. Anyone else who got accepted here? I would love to exchange instagrams. This is so exciting!!


I just got into fashion design AAS major!! I cant believe it


My instagram is @miaconcia


I’m from Switzerland, I’d love to meet other applicants – what’s your instagrams?

hi! im European as well, my insta is @ monterreey

I’m @Srujana.24

I’m in!! FBM no ps


I also got in - FBM. I’m European as well.


Just woke up to the notification! Got into FD AAS!! For anyone curious, my COA updated yesterday, but my Financial Aid Checklist STILL only has one check. RD not PS


All of you have been so lovely and helpful. I’m wishing the best for all of you!!

Can I know your Instagram? It’ll be great to get to know other admitted students

Yes, D got in to FD!

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