FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

The portal looks the same. Only change you’ll notice a section that will appear with the heading “Pay Your Tuition Deposit” and underneath its just information stating that you have to pay the 150 by 1159pm on the date in your letter to claim your spot.

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Hey all! Just a heads up that this week is Spring Break at FIT. If anyone has basic questions or for my comm design applicants major questions, you’re more than welcome to message me on instagram @tash_bwa. Like a parent said above, Don’t stress on the length of waiting you are going through! Highly recommend making a GroupMe or some large chat to get to know each other. It’s a great way to connect especially in this remote world we are currently in.

FinAid tends to put the housing at it’s highest which is I believe for first year students Alumni single occupancy in Alumni and the recommended meal plan for the housing choice. The housing rates for Fall 2021 are not released yet so don’t stress over the listed housing cost.

do you know if admissions works during spring break?

I have no idea honestly cause Spring Break last year was April 6th through the 12th.

From FIts website it says instead of “spring break” they are having a “wellness week” which starts this week. Student services admissions are still working. It’s underneath their sections for CoVId current status

Hey guys!
Is there a GroupMe/ social media group for Fall 2021?

@fitclassof2025 is an insta account & has a few other links to chats


I got waitlisted, which isn’t a no but it also isn’t a yes. FIT is my dream school )’:

That’s okay, that’s still a huge deal! I haven’t heard back yet, but there is still hope. Make sure to reach out to them to show interest and stay positive✨ I am sure with Covid and everything going on the admissions were much more competitive!! What program did you apply for, if you don’t mind me asking

When did you receive that email ?

Fashion Business Management, yeah I kind of felt it in my gut that the outcome wouldn’t be what I really wished.

Just about 15 minutes ago, titled FIT decision

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I have a feeling same here… I’m starting to just give up on checking my emails. But, really, waitlist is not the end of the road! There are a few motivational vids on youtube about how FIT students got off the waitlist. I wish you the best of luck!


The good news is that you’re the first person who has posted that they’ve been waitlisted, so maybe that means you’re high on the list? Lack of financial assistance and outrageous projected housing costs are causing many admitted applicants to consider declining, so there is still so much hope that this breaks in your favor. Hopefully those who plan to decline will do so quickly so that waitlisted applicants will get good news soon!


For sure, I actually decided to go to FIDM, it just makes a little more sense for me and my family. Thank you all and I wish all of you guys who haven’t heard back the best of luck, no matter what happens just remember it happened for a reason <3


@melianast i’m thinking of going to FIDM too! i got waitlisted at FIT so i’m still waiting to see what their final decision will be


When did you hear back?

@lyndseykue I received my decision letter at 3 today

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Are they only sending acceptance letters out during business hours?