<p>FIDM has recently gone up on the reputation scale. I am yet to have recieved a reply but have gotten into FIT 2 year AAS!</p>
<p>Just wanted to know which of the two schools is better for Fashion Design??</p>
<p>Also, does anyone have any views on studying Fashion in Milan?</p>
<p>I’m probably too late to answer this, but I definitely recommend FIT over FIDM hands down.
FIDM is still much more expensive, and their graduating garments are not as… creative or well constructed as FIT’s.
I know of someone who is studying in Milan at FIT and I suggest going there for the international experience, culture, and language… but in your 3rd year :)</p>
<p>Definetly look into FIDM hands down for Fashion Design. The 2 year AA Fashion Design program is the most intensive Fashion Design Program you could ever go into. I did TONS of research about design schools all over the U.S… so much so that my mom was impressed! At the end, I told her that FIDM was MY SCHOOL. I started applying to colleges my junior year in high school and picked FIDM as my fashion school because of the following reasons: 1) FIDM’s A.A Fashion Program and their Advanced Study Program. Unlike many other schools I looked at, FIDM had the ability for me to go through a very intensive fashion program that I was totally prepared and would be rewarded for. Because in the end, I could apply for their 3rd year Advanced Program and become one of the students chosen for the largest showcase of student fashion design work in the country called the FIDM DEBUT RUNWAY SHOW. I had absolutely fallen in love with that concept when I saw the show in person as a VIP student guest. Each graduates piece is phenomenal, beautiful, orginal and amazing! Graduates of the program come up with some of the most gorgeous womens lines, couture lines, men’s lines and even childrens lines. The entire show is so well done I cant wait to go to it this coming March again!
2) The campus locations: While I looked at East Coast schools I honestly could not see me designing anywhere else but a warm, pleasant and fashionable environment like where the FIDM campuses are located. I chose the Los Angeles campus primarily for their closeness to the entertainment industry in that I have this dream of becoming a Costume Designer for a major Motion Picture or an Emmy television show! 3) FIDM connections.The career opportunities and networking opportunities here are beyond what I expected. The Career Center at the school has thousands of connections worldwide to individuals working in the entertainment and fashion indsutry. I have had the real pleasure so far of meeting successful FIDM alumni at FIDM’s Career Connection events and Open Portfolio days where I can automatically connect and be offered a job at some very well known places like Saks Fifth Avenue, Barney’s, St.Johns, Macys and tons more. Take advantage of the Career Center at the school. My friend who graduated this last May had an internship with Sue Wong and was offered a full time position to work in her design house!
Totally cool! 4) Diversity. FIDM’s education no matter what major you chose like Fashion, Beauty Industry Management or Business Mangement really does prepare you to succeed in the world of fashion/design business. They not only teach you design skills but also help you apply it to the real world in the business sense where many students become Directors or Managers or Executives within the fashion or entertainment industries. Now adays I know that I need to be business savvy because of how competitive things are for EVERYONE. Be prepared to work very hard no matter what major you chose and remember network.</p>