<p>I recently moved from New york to Florida and I'm in a somewhat indecisive position. In New york i was in a private school and here in Florida I'm in a somewhat okay public school. I had to move to Florida for family problems and am thinking about moving to NY again. I'm an A, B student ( in new york i've taken honors classes and in florida im taking all AP classes) but recently got a couple D's first quarter( i could definitely bring up my grades). If i do decide to move back to NY, ill probably search to go to a good public school. My question is, will it hurt my chances of getting into a good college for engineering due to the move i made or does it affect nothing? My GPA is 3.87 and I'm a junior.</p>
<p>Well to be honest, if you think you CAN bring your grades up to par in FL, then by all means stay in FL. Selective colleges like students who can adjust to change, and perform well under new conditions. Anyways, APs are more demanding than honors, so the grade drop is understandable.
Understand this, use the quarter as a wake up call!</p>