Foote Fellowship

<p>I know I read here in illinoismom's thread about those who were invited to the Singer/Stamps weekend being informed about it...but can other students (such as mere Singer candidates like me! ;))be awarded Foote Fellowships as well? And if so, when are they usually notified?</p>

<p>As far as when, my son last year received the Foote Fellowship notification in the same email as his Singer Scholarship.</p>

<p>VHFather was that the email where he was invited to the Singer weekend or where he actually received the scholarship? Are all Singer candidates given the Foote Fellowship like the Stamps candidates were? Haha RoKr93 I’m a mere Singer candidate too! :wink: Which weekend are you going to?</p>

<p>@musical: Everyone that went to the Stamps weekend becomes a Foote Fellow but I think they also award it to some of the people over the other weekends… I’m not too sure. You can definitely ask Dr. Gillis or Dr. Green or really any of them when you’re at your weekend and I’m sure they’ll be glad to tell you. If not, have your parents ask during the parent session and they should gladly inform them.</p>

<p>I’m thinking they said every singer is a foote, and there are more footes than singers. SO the fact that there are more singer weekends to come must surely mean that there are more footes. This is starting to sound like a limerick.</p>


According to my mentor at Stamps weekend, currently (that is, of current students at the U) there are Singers who aren’t Foote Fellows and there are Foote Fellows who aren’t Singers… so they really are somewhat independent of one another. I don’t think anybody knows exactly what qualifies one to be a Foote Fellow or not, because it evidently isn’t based solely on being a Singer/Stamps scholar.</p>

<p>Musical - to answer your question, it was when he received the notification that he was awarded the Singer. In the same email (and letter to follow), it told him that he was awarded the Singer and chosen for the FF program.</p>

<p>Thank you all for your answers. It’s nice to know that I have some sort of a shot!</p>

<p>Musicalme, I’ll be there on the March 23rd-24th weekend. :)</p>

<p>Me too! See you there :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>

<p>Best of luck to you as well! If you run into a skinny Indian dude, it might be me, though with how diverse I hear Miami is we’re probably all over the place. :D</p>

<p>Hahaha well if you see a curly-haired jew, it could be me, but I also hear there are no shortage of me-lookalikes so things could get awkward. :)</p>