For all those who purchased a tablet from the bookstore...

<p>My girlfriend attended orientation yesterday and was told at the bookstore that due to the tsunami in Japan, Sony's (their main battery supplier) factory had been destroyed. Therefore, he stated that the tablet would not even SHIP until around August 15th and that we probably wouldn't receive them until around the first week of classes. :(</p>

<p>Well… another reason to buy an external tablet.</p>

<p>The tablet requirement this year included the following options: Fujitsu T731, Fujitsu T901, HP 2760P, and Lenovo Thinkpad X220T. So, are all models being delivered the first week of class? You may want to specify before you make a blanket statement the ‘the tablet won’t ship…’.</p>

<p>While I totally agree that tablets in the past have largely earned their reputation, the Lenovo is actually a decent computer…in spite of being a tablet. Hopefully it will live up to the initial expectations.</p>

<p>I don’t have any specifics about if its all tablet brands or not. I was just told that sony supplies batteries for the majority of their laptops.</p>

<p>Humm, interesting. I know several students headed to VT engineering who chose the Lenovo. They already have theirs. I just don’t want people getting upset for no reason. I would guess that if VT is going to be late delivering any of the tablets ordered they have contacted people directly as soon as they knew.</p>

<p>I ordered a lenovo 3 and a half weeks ago, and I haven’t gotten mine yet, but that is still within their “1-6 weeks” after ordering thing. So I don’t know. Do you know when your friends ordered theirs? Just wondering because it seems like it is taking a long time.</p>

<p>I don’t. I would just call if you are concerned about delivery.</p>

<p>I got an email response from the bookstore. I guess the battery problem doesn’t affect lenovo because the email said that they had gotten mine in, and they were shipping the computers out based on the date they were ordered. Thanks.</p>

<p>We decided to wait until orientation to order ours. I know that will mean that he won’t get it early, but we wanted to wait until we could put our hands on them, in the bookstore. I think the one we are getting is the HP, so hopefully the battery issue won’t apply to us.</p>



<p>I don’t know if we heard the same thing, but I assume the guy in charge is the one who does the talking. When my friend at orientation asked, they were told they would ship around July 25th.</p>

<p>I know that the lenovos are unaffected. Don’t know about the others though. I ordered an hp by the way.</p>

<p>When I ordered my first tablet way back in 2006 through the bookstore there were problems at that time that delayed getting it until like the 3rd week of class. There are problems every year it seems. My 2nd and current fujitsu tablet which is what most engineers use now I just ordered online 2 years ago.</p>

<p>However one thing I’ve learned is that I shouldn’t have even gotten a tablet in the first place. I hardly use it’s tablet features at all, I just have never needed to it’s practically an over priced laptop. If I could go back I would have purchased a very very nice laptop with the same price or just gotten a cheaper one. </p>

<p>Avoid tablets, at least this current generation. Wait for the newer generation tablets to come out. just my $0.02</p>

<p>My son picked up his Lenova Monday at Orientation, after ordering it just two weeks ago. The conversations we heard were about the HPs being delayed due to issues in Japan.</p>

<p>We ordered an HP today, from the bookstore. Supposed to be in in time to get it shipped to us. If not, they’ll email and refund the shipping, and it will be waiting for him upon move-in.</p>

<p>Was told today that all tablets should arrive prior to move in. (And that Tech has yelled at HP…a lot)</p>