Tablet laptop computer - any suggestions?

<p>Have any of you started looking for the tablet computer that VT requires for Engineering? Does anyone have any suggestions?</p>

<p>Anyone? Anything?</p>

<p>Geez, zimmer07, I wish we were looking for that computer. Isn't there anything on the website yet? When I thought my d was going there, I e-mailed someone in the engineering department to get some further info about the cost of the computer. I never got a response, though. </p>

<p>Best of luck to your son at VT.</p>

<p>It's a pretty fancy one, that's for sure. I was just wondering if anyone has ordered any particular model or had experience with one that could talk about it. The specs are posted online but no particular vendors are mentioned.</p>

<p>Thanks, Sportsmama. I do hope your daughter will be happy at OS.</p>

<p>bump, im wondering about this too</p>

<p>lol the specs are pretty beastly for a laptop, but just get the laptops from the companies vtech made deals with. you can save like $400</p>

<p>Another good thing about getting your computer from tech is that they'll do service on it. My harddrive failed and since I had the warranty through Tech they replaced it.</p>

<p>FWIW, we attended orientation this week and I asked several, well, more like many, current engineering students which laptop manufacturer they recommended and/or were using. Fujitsu was the overwhelming favorite.</p>

<p>Hi Zimmer, We were also at orientation this week also. What were your impressions?? Husband and I thought things were run very smoothly, son had a good experience also.
My son is a business major and decided to get Dell (ordered ourselves as VT does not have contract with Dell through bookstore). Visited the computer venue though and husband was very impressed with Fujitsu. Did you see the huge Mac they had? If I had that, I would never be off computer!</p>

<p>Loved it - wish I was a kid again! I'm so jealous! The only problem we had was his schedule. He only had three classes on it and we didn't realize that it was b/c he had placed out of several freshman requirements (got 24 credits through AP). Had to wait in line for over an hour but walked away with a very tailored and pleasing schedule for s.</p>

<p>Engineering has to have tablet pcs, and some of the eng programs don't work off macs....but s played with the fujitsu for almost an hour. I walked off and bought it while he was occupied! </p>

<p>Did you stay on campus as well? My parents live an hour and a half away so I drove. Lots of walking the second day though! Walking up the hill to Hillcrest for the Honors program just about did me in! I fell asleep in a chair!!</p>

<p>Hi Zimmer,
No we stayed of campus at Holiday Inn. Had no desire to relive those college dorm mattresses! Son mentioned they were pretty uncomfortable, so obviously in the 25 years I've been out of school, they have not improved one bit. Now of course they have the mattress pads and eggcrate things to help a little.<br>
Son did well with schedule as 4 of 5 classes were already scheduled for him. Sigh-Did not have any AP issues to deal with, but maybe that was good! (Put a positive spin on spending $160.00 on tests that didn't count!!) Oh well, live and learn. He signed up for last last from home on Thursday.
Have fun with that new Fujitsu. I am so jealous. When is son moving in??
Have to do our shopping this week for all the supplies. List grows daily. The car will be packed I am sure.</p>

<p>ahhhh, the shopping. I am determined that everything fit in his car so it will be possible for him to bring it all home himself in the spring! Is that wishful thinking?!
I don't know which day we will move him in. Either Thurs or Fri. I've been reading the threads on things to bring. Some of them are pretty funny/yucky, like don't get a mesh trashcan in case of someone throwing up. That would have never occurred to me in a million years. Are you getting the eggcrate and mattress pad? What about those memory foam pads? Wish the kid had an opinion. Maybe I'll just let him live w/it for a few weeks and then he can go out and choose for himself later!</p>

<p>I feel the same about the shopping. I don't like to shop anyway, but with a list of things, I do much better. Will print out the VT list of things to bring and one of the stores (B,B,Beyond or Linens and Things) also had a suggestion list. Of course, they will tell you that child needs everything including the kitchen sink to sell their wares! It isn't like they are going off to the Artic tundra-plenty of stores in both Blacksburg and Christiansburg. The one store we were so surprised they did not have close by was a Best Buy. The closest one is Roanoke. Son hits Best Buy frequently, so he was a little bummed. We ended up buying printer through bookstore when we were there so hopefully if there is a problem, he could deal with them. Computer we did on our own, but Dell will service on campus for him.
Never thought about mesh trashcans-Yuck is right. Guess you could line it with a plastic bag, but what are the chances the bag would ever be changed! I think we will get the mattress pad, but will hold off on egg crate. I personally don't like the feel of them. If this isn't enough comfort, son could go out and get eggcrate later. Do you remember buying any of this stuff when we went to college? I do remember the sheets not fitting because it was before XL sheets. The bottom sheet would pop off and curl up mattress. I was on the top bunk and it was a pain to make bed everyday!</p>

<p>I have a Fijitsu tablet and absolutely love it. It's small (easy to travel with), lightweight, has everything needed, and more. I have friends who bought the Toshiba and Gateways and both brands were hated equally. By the end of the year, those who hadn't spent the extra bucks on the Fijitsu were hating life. Their customer service is excellent, as well, and I definitely recommend buying the docking station and getting atleast and extra keyboard/mouse (bluetooth! The bluetooth mouse is awesome to have in classes).
Word of warning: they might have fixed this, but on mine, the vents are placed kind of weirdly. The one on the side gets extremely hot (due to the mega-processors, not the battery) and will get hotter if you block the ones underneath (good reason to get the docking station, as it props it up a bit). It gets hot enough to turn a cold soda lukewarm if it's next to the vent for 15min (trust me). So, you don't need one of those stupid fan stations, but just look out for it. </p>

<p>Also, buy your kid an egg crate. Although you may not like the feel, he will like it better than VT's awful beds. Memory foam or a fiberbed also works well.</p>

<p>Thanks Shoebox,
Glad to see you still check the VT thread. We are sure going to miss you this year. Are you all excited about your new school? What are you doing with all your VT clothing?? Don't think they would appreciate it at new school!
Will definitely get the eggcrate. It is so hard knowing what to purchase and what not to bother with. I guess I will save all receipts and if it doesn't get used, can return it. I can see those mattresses haven't changed at all. You would think one of those smart engineering majors would devise something better! Take care and keep in touch. Enjoy the rest of your summer too.</p>

<p>Thanks :) The UVA board is happy to have me though. Orientation for me is actually tomorrow (1-day only..I guess they figure we already know the ropes of college pretty well) and I couldn't be more excited. I'm just happy to be finally going down there with my mom so she can see UVA as it is, and hopefully she'll finally realize why I love it so much =P Aug 25th (move in day) seems so far away, but with less than a week of my internship left, then beach, then a week of packing, I'm sure it'll be here soon. As for my VT gear, I have no idea. I have an assortment of tees and long sleeves and a couple of pairs of shorts, but not a huge closet. I'll probably still wear the shorts because they're amazing, but i'll probably leave home my shirts or give them to friends of mine at VT. Have no idea what the parents will do with their polos and hats and mugs and etc.
As for the eggcrate, you can always flip it over if the crate-side is uncomfy. Works the same way. And trust me, once he throws it on the bed, he won't regret it. I'm doing a fiberbed and an egg crate this year and plan to have the comfiest bed around (i'm a side sleeper, but I've never had a plush/soft top bed at when I got to college and got a squishy bed, I'm determined to have a squishy bed for atleast 9 months out of the year =P). It's worth it, seeming he'll spend 75% of the time he's in his room in his bed.</p>

<p>Well, it sounds like you are set to go. When we visited schools last year, I wished we could have fit UVA into tours. I hear it is an amazing school and the campus is beautiful. UVA was as my son's guidance counselor called it "An out of reach" school for son, so we did not make a stop. He told son he could pull in for sweatshirt, but chances of getting in well, not very good!
He is so excited about VT though and we are excited for him. You guys in VA are so lucky to have so many great schools to choose from.
Picked up lots of maroon and orange tshirts last week. The colors are growing on me! Thanks for the eggcrate advice. I will definitely get one now after hearing about your mattress issues last year. Please keep "lurking" on VT board. As a clueless parent, I need all the help I can get!</p>

<p>Me too, me too!! Thanks for your tips, Shoebox.</p>

<p>Today s asks me what he'll need a laundry basket for. Can you hear my hysterical laughing?</p>