For next year - a sneak peak at admissions?

<p>So - I heard this rumor that there's an Olin tradition of students who have applied finding out Olin's USPS code on Candidate's Weekend and going to USPS tracking when decisions are mailed out to see if a big envelope is coming their way.</p>

<p>Would anyone tell me whether this has actually been successfully implemented and (assuming it's a legal, OK aboveground activity) give me the details on how to see my Olin decisions a few precious hours early...?</p>

<p>I wouldn't call it a tradition. Be patient. It's better to be surprised.</p>

<li>Molly '09</li>

<p>thinking ahead now are we? you use the reference number on the first "decision" along with your zip code on the usp reference tracking site.</p>

<p>I am with crazyyak on this one...wait until it is delivered. The suspense is awesome.</p>

<p>sishu7, I am grinning ear to ear at you already being in the "planning stage"!
Enjoy senior year, and hopefully, we'll see you here in Needham in 2009!</p>

<p>Thanks. I feel in LOVE with Olin when I visited ad would like nothing more than to be there in 2009.</p>