<p>What did you guys all get in the SAT?</p>
<p>not really Chinese chinese,…a Pakistani living in China for a few years now…but i got a 2220
had to fly to Hong Kong to take it, so it makes the score that much sweeter :)</p>
<p>alright, I heard from someone that all the people who apply directly from China are crazy good at taking SATs, like everyone gets 2400 or above 2350 at least. Just wanted to see if that was true. Anyone?</p>
<p>i’m a pure chinese…
definitely NOT true…
there were two 2400s in class of 2012, one got in Harvard, one in columbia
and only one 2400 this year, from shanghai. EA Stanford</p>
<p>That’s not true at all…met and know quite a few chinese students…
they do have like solid scores, 2100-2200 for the SAT I…
But that’s TRUE for the SAT II…they do get the perfect scores often</p>
<p>To Albus Yu, when you said two 2400s in class of 2012, do you mean your school or all of China?</p>
<p>Yeah, they have a bunch of crazy SAT prep courses and SAT-taking strategies.</p>
<p>all class of 2012 in china
i’m chinese, too
we’d rather think more Indian students have 2400s and 2350+ :p</p>
<p>how do you guys get the stats for the whole nation?</p>
<p>No, true with Indians also. Like out of six people who got into Princeton in 2007, only one had a score of above 2300. A girl had got in with a 2070. A guy got into Stanford with a 2000. People have normal SAT scores here, ofcourse there’s the occasional mad-man running after Hahhvaahhd who gets into prep courses and all. But yes, we are good at the Subject tests, 'coz anyway they are the tests that atleast make a bit of sense.</p>
<p>erm among the PRC internationals currently studying in Singapore, there’s quite a few getting 2300++</p>
<p>whats this whole deal with singapore, why are PRC internationals always there?</p>
<p>The Singapore Ministry of Education recruits probably 100+ students from China every year, gives them bond-free scholarships for Years 9-12 and hope a percentage of them stay in Singapore for university studies. Of course, the PRCs just view Singapore as a springboard to US and UK universities, since it is easier to get into top foreign universities from Singapore than China.</p>
<p>the figures are probably higher than that. just in rjc there are around 100+ scholars already…</p>
<p>^ “100+ students from China every year”</p>
<p>i’m still very interested about how they got stats for the entire country of China. :)</p>
<p>^Keep in mind that not every Chinese student can take the SAT. There is a limited number of tests/spots available for Chinese students. Often, students who are eligible to take the SAT are top students from each province. They ALL have to go to Hong Kong to take the test. </p>
<p>Therefore, it’s easier for collegeboard or whoever to gather the data and publish it.</p>
<p>you mean collegeboard does publish statistics by country? where can i get them? :D</p>
<p>i mean there are almost 100 in one batch in rj… so together with those scattered in hci, vjc, njc etc, i think there should definitely be more than 100+…</p>
<p>what is rj, hci, and njc?</p>