Foreign language credit

<p>S has taken Latin since 6h grade. But his high school does not offer AP Latin. Because of this his teacher is focused more on teaching to the National Latin Exam. Latin doesn’t appear to be offered as a CLEP. Is there another option we are missing?</p>

<p>He could take the AP test on his own. </p>

<p>That is what he is looking toward at this point. But you can imagine his desire to self study his last semester. :)) We will buy the book either way. Better safe than sorry.</p>

<p>If your son has been taking Latin since the 6th grade, he may not need to study much. But a test book and see how he does cold on a practice exam.</p>

<p>Be sure to contact your GC about having her order an AP Latin exam…she’ll need early notice…and may even need a reminder. </p>