Four UA football players arrested

<p>Perhaps next time a player at another school gets arrested, the holier-than-thou Alabama fans will keep their yappers shut. (And yes, I would be happy to revisit posts of such nature on this very forum.)</p>

<p>Dogersmom, I have a feeling that we will hear much more about that over the next few days. It does seem based on the article that Tuscaloosa PD made the gun arrest, and campus police the robbery arrests. It may be the flow of information between the two departments. </p>

<p>either way, I have the same concerns. And who is putting up the bonds?</p>

Complete asswipes!
Hopefully, the 2 student victims will have speedy recoveries and get their much deserved justice in court. I can’t imagine such a terrifying experience. Prayers for Samuel and Caleb.</p>

<p>“So how do you determine during recruitment whether or not a juvenile may be one of those people?”</p>

<p>Interviews with the athlete, conversations with teachers/coaches/neighbors, whatever records you have access to, etc. Certainly there must have been some hints these were bad guys. Did the football program just turn a blind eye and keep their fingers crossed?</p>

<p>Slippy, most of the time those posts are about how the school handles the arrest of the players. Not just about them being arrested. Although I am sure there are some of them too. </p>

<p>no one here is making excuses for these UA players. Or giving them a pass on this behavior. Just like there were no passes given for the LSU and Auburn players. So it seems pretty level so far.</p>

<p>If the three involved in the attacks/robberies are not expelled, I’ll be disappointed in the school. I think it’s how the situation is handled, not the arrests themselves, that should reflect upon the university.</p>



<p>I hear you. And don’t disagree. But there are kids that have “concerning”, maybe even dark histories that have made efforts to change, and this is an opportunity for them. I am still not sure how you weed out the recruits. There are certianly many stories of kids with legal histories that only made good once in a good team environment. And stories of kids with good histories that end up in legal trouble once in a team environment.</p>



<p>exactly how I feel.</p>

<p>I think that they need to review their recruiting practices. How did these guys slip through the cracks?</p>

<p>Not sure what you mean. These students were recruited as juniors/seniors in high school. If they didn’t have records at that point, there wouldn’t have been anything to “slip thru the cracks”.</p>

<p>It’s not as if a person with a clean record is going to say, “Uh, I’m 17 years old and I don’t have a record, BUT…when I get to college, I think I’ll commit a felony when I’m 20.” lol</p>

<p>Certainly there must have been some hints these were bad guys. Did the football program just turn a blind eye and keep their fingers crossed?</p>

<p>Not necessarily. There may not have been any “signs”. </p>

<p>I’m NOT excusing this horrific behavior, but many in the NCAA world have been begging the NCAA to allow schools to give athletes a small stipend so that these kids have pocket money. Those who have parents who can supply pocket money are fine. However, often these kids come from poorer homes and they literally have no pocket money for dates, gasoline, etc. Some will fall to the temptation of crime or unethical behaviors (the textbook selling scandal years ago). </p>

<p>Some have argued that if schools could give these students - say $250 a month - then the temptations would subside substantially.</p>

<p>Bama recruiting does not turn a blind eye to “red flags”, because the cost is too great. Calloway was a highly recruited player. Some/all of these kids are full scholarship. No one wants to have resulting “holes” from having to expel these kids. Everyone wants to avoid this crap…especially Saban. </p>

<p>That said, very likely these kids will be expelled.</p>

<p>M2CK, I think the redflag for me right now is williams having a gun on campus, then this the next night. </p>

<p>I am concerned that UA did not deal with this immediately. As I posted earlier, they may not have known yet. That is a concern in itself. But if the university did know about the gun on campus, and he was allowed back on campus anyway…</p>

<p>This could happen anywhere. Rather than being judged on the fact that 4 players did something extremely stuipd, dangerous & illegal, I believe the University of Alabama will be judged on how they handle this matter. If found guilty, they are duty bound to hold these men accountable for their actions. The nation is watching.</p>

<p>txdoula, the 3 admitted to assualt and robbery already. It is not a question of guilt. </p>

<p>There may be some question of the 4th players involvement in the use of the card.</p>

<p>I don’t know if University Blvd is considered to be “campus property”. I’m guessing that it isnt’ which is why Williams wasn’t charged with having a gun on “campus property.”</p>

<p>Certainly, many law-abiding folks drive down University Blvd and might have a gun in their car. I don’t think they’re breaking the law since I don’t think that street is “campus property”. I think it belongs to the city.</p>

<p>I agree that a stipend would be a great approach. </p>

<p>The argument “for” also includes the lessened temptation for banned boosterism, such as paying for jobs they did not perform…</p>

<p>I see. Anyway you cut it, the University must hold students guilty of such actions accountable. Penn St. proved the days of looking the other way are long gone. I’m sure they’re aware that not only are the eyes of the nation on this prominent school as they handle this difficult situation, but so are the eyes of prospective students and their families. I trust that they will handle this situation appropriately.</p>

<p>The Crimson White:</p>

<p>[Four</a> Alabama players arrested on Monday](<a href=“Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White”>Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White)</p>

<p>And an article about the UA Police lacking an Information Officer…</p>

<p><a href=“Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White”>Announcements for 7/22/2010 - The Crimson White;

<p>I hope UA jumps all over this and acts ASAP. Remember what happened at Penn State. Granted those were heinous sex crimes committed many times over several years, but armed robbery, assault, gun possession are all serious felonies and should be dealt with swiftly and severely. Make no mistake those two victims worlds were seriously rocked and they will suffer these scars for life. The fact that these acts were committed by fellow students and very notable one’s only compounds this. The NCAA is watching this very closely I am sure and the haters would love nothing more to take down a behemoth program like Alabama.</p>

<p>driving down university blvd with gun in the car is illegal if you dont have a licence… open carry on foot is not illegal in some instances</p>

<p>Open carry on foot is generally allowed without a license, withstanding other applicable laws. Carrying a handgun in a vehicle, whether open or concealed, requires a license. Carrying a handgun on premises that are not owned or under the control of the possessor is prohibited unless the person has a valid concealed handgun license.[1][2]</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; here’s the laws, we have some weird ones imo… ie cant take a gun to a demonstration “with intent to harm someone”… does that mean you can if you dont intend to??</p>

<p>“There are certianly many stories of kids with legal histories that only made good once in a good team environment. And stories of kids with good histories that end up in legal trouble once in a team environment.”</p>

<p>If UA is recruiting kids like this they better keep a pretty close eye on them.</p>