Freaking out..Please Help

<p>I applied before October 31st and received a DEFERRAL in December. Totally bummed.</p>


<p>Gender: Female
Location: Georgia
Rank: 13/730
GPA Unweighted: 3.95
GPA Weighted: 4.4 ish
APs: 12
Essay: Pretty good
Extracurriculars: Library Volunteer, orchestra, Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, Science NHS, tutoring</p>

<p>Here's the bad part and probably the reason I got deferred..
SAT: 1880 (Math 630, Reading 600, Writing 650)</p>

<p>I feel like I'll be rejected from the regular pool because of my SAT score. So many people who applied have such high SAT scores and I can't compete with that. What to do?!</p>

<p>i’d just say don’t worry, i think only the people who were in the top 10% of applicants got acceptance letters… with the other classes/stats i’d think you’d be fine (i know ppl who got in with lower sat scores)</p>

<p>I don’t have the answer for you, but there is nothing you can do at this point. I am sure your parents have also given you the same advice.</p>

<p>So…relax and enjoy the rest of your last semester in high school. Go out with your friends, spend time with your family, give thanks for what you have accomplished in life so far and relish in the possibilities ahead of you. No matter where you end up, you still have the opportunity to truly create the future you desire.</p>

<p>The one school that you get accepted to, deferred or declined from will not make or break your entire life. I recently told my daughter that in retrospect I probably didn’t go to the school that was "right’ for me, but I had a great time, learned some stuff and life turned out just fine.</p>

<p>For which major did you apply?</p>

<p>to give you some perspective…
I was 252/700 something
3.4 gpa
1750 SAT</p>

<p>I was deferred and then asked to go to summer session, which was awesome and I made some great friends. Felt like I had an advantage over the people who came in the fall.</p>

<p>darko, what is the summer session? and GP Burdwell, I put major of chemical engineering…I expected this to help me, being a girl and all. Thanks to everyone who posted…I guess all I can do is hope for the best!</p>

<p>don’t worry…same thing happened to me… they picked only the top 10%, so maybe we’ll both get in…if not, its nothing bad…i think of it like this: if the school people think i may not fit in at tech, then maybe i should reconsider why i want to go there. I did that, adn found out that i just may choose another school over tech b/c it isn’t doesn’t seem like it will fit me very well…i’m more liberal artsy. math and science are okay for me, but you know… i’m more lit/languages.</p>

<p>so don’t feel bad. we’re all in the same boat with the colleges thing. the best advice is this quote by pablo caelho(sp?) " anxiety comes not from worrying about the future, but from wanting to control it."</p>

<p>summer session is just going early to take classes during the summer, its a shorter semester and 6-8 credits. Some people are required to go there sort of as a conditional acceptance and others just want a head start.</p>

<p>Chemical Engineering will actually probably not help you. It’s one of the few majors that’s close to 50/50, and it’s that way at most schools. I’ve never quite understood that.</p>

<p>My bigger concern is your math SAT with that major. Why did you get such a low score? In such a heavily-math focused engineering major, you might be setting yourself up to fail at Tech. </p>

<p>Summer session is nice because you’re able to acclimate to college life with less people around and since there are less things (nothing) happening on campus, it’s tough to get distracted. It works out well for the Institute as well - the students who start in the summer don’t get added to the “Fall 2009 Incoming Freshman” profile, so they can allow students with lower GPAs and SATs to start in the summer without it impacting their averages.</p>

<p>How was your essay?
I’ve come to hear that Georgia Tech puts a lot of weight into the admission essays.</p>

<p>GP Burdwell, I have never had a problem with mathematics. Actually, I’ve never really had a problem with reading or writing either. I did not prepare for the SAT as well as I should have, and as you can see, my results surely show that. I don’t think the SAT shows how skilled you are at one subject over another. To be honest, math has been the easiest class for me my whole life, even AP Calculus (if that says anything).</p>

<p>Encarta, I wrote on the topic asking “What would you do if you did not go to college for a year?.” I wrote that I would like to visit other countries, not simply as a tourist but experience the hardships and lifestyles of the people there.</p>

<p>Does anyone know exactly when we find out if we get in?</p>

<p>^sometime in march i think.</p>

<p>Well, I got accepted with a 1670/2400 on my SAT in Dec.! Anyways, I didn’t submit my SAT lol. I had a 34 Math and 28 English and 30 Composite on my ACT. My other status looks similar to yours and my essay was probably the worst part of my whole application. Yet, I was accepted so you shouldn’t stress out about it!</p>