Free online weighted classes

I didn’t do so well my Sophomore year of high school and I’m wondering if there is a free weighted class I can take that is also UC approved. Thanks!

if you take classes at a CCC, it should be free for you as long as you are still in HS. Of which some of the classes are online-based. Tehnically speaking, the classes taken at a CCC are weighted from a UC and CSU admissions standpoint. The course catalog for the CCC will tell you if a course is UC-transferable and/or CSU-transferable.

You can use the UCOP a-g course list link to find UC approved on-line providers. Check out the providers to see if any free courses are available.

Go to Filters, then School type and the on-line to get a list.

CCC classes should be tuition free, but be mindful of the cost of textbooks and online access codes. They can be quite pricey!

UC Scout is free if you are studying at a CA high school and your high school is willing to provide a teacher/proctor. Otherwise the UC Scout classes range from $199-$399. We used UC Scout for Summer classes between 9th-10th grade. Worked very well to complete two (non honors) classes that summer (even did some of the work while on vacation so the summer fun wasn’t limited by the classes).