<p>PROMPT: Is deception ever justified?</p>
<p>The legendary Robin Hood allegedly said “Harmless lies? Innocent betrayals? They don’t exist!” The existence of this figure aside, deception is nevertheless a morally complex problem in society. Despite how we might attempt to internally justify our actions, deception is never justifiable as it inevitably creates a potential problem. We find compelling evidence for this idea in the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.</p>
<p>Although dates are disputed, the Reign of Terror effectively began when Maximilian Robespierre, a cunning lawyer, deceived the French people into believing that the king, along with several nobles, was responsible for the dismal state of the French economy. Although this was partially true, the unique way he span his story resulted in the overnight execution of the king and transferal of power to Robespierre. Robespierre’s small deceoptinon was intended to be a single power coup, but mass hysteria soon invaded France, with neighbors turning against one another and massive executions. The situation eventually rebounded upon Robespierre, and he himself was put to death.</p>
<p>While analyzing the French Revolution, one must realize that a small, singular deception grew into something much larger. Deception naturally creates a feeling of resentment and distrust in society, and the result propagation creates a strong potential for disaster among humans. Although something as drastic as the French Revolution is unlikely to happen from a white lie, such as “yes, these cookies taste nice,” the potential for disaster is nevertheless present. For instance, the discovery that the cookies are worthy of the garbage could create tension and resentment, which is dilapidating towards relationships. Deception creates distrust and barriers in society, and is detrimental regardless of how positive the intent. When we recognize this, and the consequences of any deception, we realize that there is never any justification for lies. Acknowledging this is the first step towards a more secure society. </p>
<p>Thanks for any help!</p>