Freshman Engineering Tackling Textbooks

<p>We found the courage to investigate textbooks. Son found the textbook requirements posted on mybama and as a result of CC advice, we are comparing costs on amazon, abebooks, We have a couple of questions:

  1. Are international editions OK? For Calc II we found a significantly lower price.
  2. Are used response pad’s OK? The new price is $52, used is $8. Do they last well, or are they unreliable?
  3. No books for CBHP listed. Is this expected?</p>

<p>and our most important question…</p>

<li> Are the chemistry 101 items best purchased from Supe Store (we are confused by these descriptions)? We could not find ISBN numbers, even when investigating last semester’s syllabus.</li>

<p>Thanks so much for help/advice. We have read the old threads, but cannot find answers to these questions.</p>

<p>my daughter has used several international versions without incident.</p>

<p>idk about your other questions.</p>

<p>while getting your books at the supe is convenient, you can spend WAY less with a little legwork.</p>

<p>I’m sure most used clickers are fine, but I personally decided not to chance it last year. You might need it for 4 years, after all. It’s not a huge investment, but it can greatly affect your grade in certain classes. Like I said though, I’m sure used ones are fine - I know of lots of people on the facebook pages who looked to have only used theirs for a semester or two.</p>

<p>The CBH book isn’t typically listed. It’s the Fortran book (if the curriculum is the same for next year), and you can probably wait and ask an upperclassman CBHer if they are selling a copy. If you go the Supestore route, though, the book is pretty cheap (around $30 used, I believe).</p>

<p>Some of the chemistry material is unique to UA - I’m pretty sure you can purchase the MasteringChemistry code and book from the publisher, but the lab manual is UA-specific. That’s probably why they sell it as a bundle now. This likely reduces the confusion of the multiple options that used to display. You might call the Supestore and see if you can buy the manual separately.</p>

<p>Thank you for these answers, both have helped tremendously.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting this, as we will be buying most books online through Amazon, incluidng the clickers!!</p>