CH 101 Book help

<p>I know we have discussed that the CHEM 101 text and lab materials are customized for Bama. The cost in books and clicker for this course is very high. Currently, the SUPE has no used materials. Any advice for reducing the cost? Right now, son is looking at $275 for just this course.</p>

<p>Does the Off Campus book store in town every have used copies?</p>

<p>Many majors require CH 101. I imagine there must be used books somewhere.</p>

<p>We bought the clicker off of amazon, it was a little cheaper. I did not recall the CH 101 books being that much, it is the only book we have still need to buy.</p>

<p>When I took CH 101, I bought the e-book with MasteringChemistry code. Saved quite a bit of money, and I also asked around and got a clicker for like $10.</p>

<p>Longsx3 – The Chem book package is listed as $132 + Lab manual of $89 + clicker. I don’t mind son buying it from the SUPE, but I was hoping he could at least get a used book.</p>

<p>AJ – Thanks for the e-book idea.</p>

<p>Longhaul I don’t think I had seen the lab manual. Definitely pricey if you buy all of it.</p>

<p>DD is also in need of these books - definitely buy the clicker on eBay or Amazon - very cheap!!</p>

<p>I have no idea about Alabama and its book policy, but I need to buy texts each year for my son at his private high school and they cost just like the college texts! I refuse to buy from his school’s vendor - the prices are ridiculous. This year, his books would have cost well over $800 at this vendor’s “special discount prices.” I searched the web and found everything through half dot com for under $400. Amazon’s used prices and textbooks dot com are often useful, too. </p>

<p>It is supposedly required by law to provide the ISBN number for any required texts. With that I am assured of getting the correct book. </p>

<p>Try entering the ISBN in whatever format the site you are looking at uses - they do vary where they put spaces, dashes, etc. and it may make a difference. You can try searching on the title or author as well, then check the edition and ISBN.</p>

<p>Check the book listing for CH 102. Last year my D was able to use her book, access code and lab manual for both semesters.</p>

<p>What is the specific clicker used by the CH 101 profs? Thanks.</p>

<p>@MaryJay – The ISBN is specifically tailored to Bama, so it cannot be found on the usual vendor sites. He can get a more generic version, but I am not certain if it will include everything he requires.</p>

<p>@Christine – I am not finding less expense clickers on Amazon. Can you send me a link?</p>

<p>@Missread – DS will not be taking CH102. Only 101 as required for Engineering major.</p>

<p>Sorry not near a computer, I just copied the name from The UA site and searched on amazon.</p>