Freshman Housing

<p>I have a question for those more experienced. I know that I can't send in the housing deposit until the $300 deposit is made, but what are my choices after that? Are there many freshman dorms? If so, are there any major differences or preferences between them?

<p>There are 2 freshman dorms, Stanford and Hecht. Occasionally, there will be a few overflow who end up in one of the other dorms, but rarely and probably those who sign up late. The dorms are next to each other, 10 floors , and each dorm has 2 towers within it. There are some who may say that one is the “party” dorm and one is not. That really is opinion . One dorm has substance free floors, but they are considering doing that in both dorms next year on specific floors since there is such a demand for it. The average floor has 40 kids, so approximately 400 per tower. Floors are rotated boy floor, girl floor, boy floor ,girl floor. Later on in the spring, your child can sign up for dorm and then make any preferences and fill out a questionaire of about 10 questions…then they can receive a list of kids whose profile matches theirs to a certain percent…they can email/facebook, etc and choose a roommate or if they aren’t interested in doing that, they can get one at random.</p>

<p>Thanks DinDune - that was very helpful.</p>