Freshman Preview UF

Can someone please give me any information they know about preview? I’ve read the itinerary and it seems pretty basic so I am looking for specifics. I’m attending preview May 20-21.


What specifics?

What do we really do when we are there? What do our parents do? How are the presentations? Is it fun and exciting or boring and a wate of time? Do you meet lots of people? How is staying in Jennings? Etc etc

It’d probably be best to hear from someone who went through the experience previously and can relay what they went through.

Well, Preview is an improvement over what we did back in my time, which was drop the new freshman off at his/her dorm, give him/her a map and wish them luck…

Preview will at times fun, exciting, boring and even a bit stressful for the student. For parents it’s sometimes interesting, but as often it will seem boring (at least it did for me). You’ll notice that several times during Preview, UF will break up the parents and students. It’s really focused on the students, with the parent’s breakout sessions being a way to keep them out of the way (especially on the second day).

To get the most out of Preview, have an idea of the classes you may want to take, introduce yourself to whatever students you happen to sit next to in a session (some will ignore you, others will be happy to respond), and try to enjoy the experience of walking around campus and meeting folks.

Preview is something you have to do, but it really makes transitioning to campus that first week a lot easier.

Thanks! I appreciate the response!

Do you think parents should come? Is it better to have parents there or go alone?

I would think it’s best for a parent to come but it’s not required.