<p>how does registration work for freshman/ what is preregistration</p>
<p>also - when do we get information about housing</p>
<p>how does registration work for freshman/ what is preregistration</p>
<p>also - when do we get information about housing</p>
<p>Pre-registration is when you pick your classes online. At limited.georgetown.edu/studentaccess during a certain period of time, you type in the department, course code and section number which you can find at explore.georgetown.edu (HIST-001-01). You arrange the classes in order of importance, and select an equal number of alternatives. When you arrive on campus, you find out what classes you got, and you have a chance before school starts to fix any mistakes or try to get into classes that you need.</p>
<p>does this work the same way for freshman? when does this go down?</p>
<p>incoming freshman*</p>
<p>as described is the way for freshmen. upperclass students have already registered for the fall. </p>
<p>i think you have to do this by sometime in July though I cannot actually recall when. they'll give you all the information you need on it though when they send a large enrolled new student packet.</p>
<p>any tips for getting in high demand classes you really want during your stay at gtown?</p>
<p>Well, the best way to get classes you want is to apply for them as a senior. Also, if the class is in your major field, then it benefits you to declare your major ASAP. Beyond that, there may be a few tricks of the trade that can work, like establishing a relationship with the prof beforehand that will help you get in off the waitlist if you have to, but that's not going to work for something like Albright's class.</p>
<p>if freshmen pre-register in the summer, does that mean they can only possibly get into classes that aren't full already?</p>
<p>and if that's the case, then is it worth waiting until second semester to get into classes you really care about?</p>
<p>Have the sophomores, juniors, and seniors completed registration? </p>
<p>I've been looking at available seating - and are the numbers as they are now indicative of how many seats are available for incoming freshmen?</p>
<p>Rising sophomores through seniors already have their schedules for the fall semester. </p>
<p>For the most part classes first year students are required to take aren't going to be filled up at this point, however. And if it's something you need, like a foreign language class, they'll either let you in or potentially add a section if necessary.</p>