Can freshmen live at Campus Village? The UCI website says that housing options for freshmen are only at Mesa Court and Middle Earth, but I’ve heard some people say that freshmen can also apply for housing at CV.
Can someone confirm this for me? I would contact the Housing Office, but they’re already closed for the weekend…
Yes you can choose Campus Village as a freshman. I wouldn’t recommend it though, the dorms are awesome.
I’ve heard great things about the dorms! Except I can’t afford it! I also plan to bring a car and parking is expensive… 
Does UCI not offer a quarterly parking permit? $101/
Also, how do you apply for campus village? The housing application won’t let me change the community. It automatically chooses residence halls.
Do I not get to choose until much later?
Umm it’s been quite a while but I remember filling out a preference form. It may have been the one over the summer.