Friends touching each other?

<p>Just wondering... do your friends of the opposite sex just randomly touch you??</p>

<p>The thing is, I hate being touched especially by guys... girls I'm not that terrible with because I have touchy girl friends. (just like linking arms and stuff) Anyhoo guy friends that I'm not that close to.. ew. This guy friend is constantly rubbing my back, touching my arm, trying to give me a hug which makes me want to punch him in the face or get the hell away from him because its making me super uncomfortable. I like my bubble! I wouldn't be as grossed out if he did it to everybody else but he's always doing it to me! He's always looking at what I'm doing (which I find annoying) on my computer screen, sending me random text messages that I now ignore in middle of the night etc.</p>

<p>Like today he said hi and rubbed me on my back and I felt like goosebumps from that -_- I really hate that feeling just like why are you touching me? I didn't give you permission!</p>

<p>But anyhoo it's the touching that ****es me off the most. I wouldn't say I'm that close to him and he's hard to avoid since he's in my small major so I don't want to make things awkward and be like "DONT effin touch me! grr"</p>

<p>do your friends of the opposite sex touch you for no random reason??</p>

<p>That would be really awkward. It seems that the guy is being very obnoxious and persistent… you should tell him to stop. </p>

<p>I don’t think it’s unreasonable to tell people to not touch you. I mean if I were an observer I would find it strange that someone who’s not your boyfriend touches you all the time… o.0</p>

<p>I’m a toucher unto both sexes, but he’s being unreasonable (if he has had notice). It can be a tad striking to touch someone without permission at first or if you don’t know each other, and totally out of decorum to touch against will. If you didn’t complain the first time, he might have become too comfortable though… just open your mouth now.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t fault him as an observer unless I saw you tell him about it.</p>

<p>All you have to do is tell him that you don’t like it. Communicate!</p>

<p>Tell him to leave you alone and/or stop touching you if it bothers you. If he doesn’t know that him touching you is weirding you out–and some people are quite dense as regards to body language–then I can’t fault him for not stopping. If you tell him to stop and he continues, then it’s his problem and I’d personally break off the friendship. Either way, nothing will likely happen without clear communication. </p>

<p>My male friends tend to leave me alone touch-wise, but then I’m not as close to them as to my female friends.</p>

<p>My female friends touch me all the time. But I guess it might be a different dynamic female-to-male.</p>

<p>Human beings generally like touch. And if you think about it, no one’s really going to “give you permission” explicitly at any time. I’m sure your girlfriends didn’t give you explicit permission.</p>

<p>That being said, it sounds like this friends of yours likes you romantically; i.e. wants to sleep with you. I mean, he hardly knows you and he’s texting you in the middle of the night? And touching you all the time? I would say maybe he’s just a friendly guy but he’s focused it just on you as you described.</p>

<p>Usually, you let someone know you don’t want to be touched by them by recoiling at their touch. Or showing that you are unhappy or uncomfortable with it. If he still doesn’t get it, next time he touches you just say, “hey, what’s with the touching?” or “no, no touching.”</p>

<p>If you’re afraid that the relationship will change - i.e. once he figures out your not interested in sleeping with him he’ll be gone or awkward - well then he was never really your friend anyway. Don’t preemptively reject him though; there’s no need to take a dump on some guy who never made a blatant move on you and possibly, possibly never was interested in you. It’s all about subtlety I suppose. I mean, c’mon, these are life skills I thought all girls figured out.</p>

<p>I arm touch a lot apparently, on both genders. It doesn’t seem to both anyone though. I don’t really have a “personal bubble” at all so it’s kind of hard to understand why it bothers people so much but I try and keep it in mind.</p>



<p>Tell him to read CC for a change.</p>

<p>Lulz… you can’t just assume he can read your mind that you find it uncomfortable. If you haven’t said so to him not to touch you , I don’t see what you’re griping about. You don’t have to be rude about it, just say you find it uncomfortable, or you’re not used to it. Nothing to get awkward over.</p>

<p>Sounds to me like your not his friend. :X</p>

<p>Anyways, as a guy, I would have no problem with female friends touching me. Hell, one time one of my female friends accidentally touched me and she said, “Sorry”. I was thinking, "W+f? Why would you need to say SORRY for touching me?? -_- "</p>

<p>Now, to be fair, I don’t like it when guys my male friends touch me. You’d think with girls it’d be the opposite. -_-</p>

<p>My response after reading the title and before reading the post was “It’s only gay if you make eye contact”.</p>

<p>^lol good stuff dilksy</p>

<p>Like closer guy friends i’m ok with especially if its a guy that I know doesn’t have any feelings towards me. It’s just him because he started giving me random hugs and stuff. I don’t get why he feels the need to rub my back every time he greets me… like yesterday he rubbed me on my back and it was right over my bra line so i was like OK dude I’m going to move my chair away from you. I dunno how I should tell him that it’s making me uncomfortable because its not like we are that close, it’s more like we are acquaintances. I wish he would just touch his girlfriend and leave me the hell alone.


<p>WELL I WAS his friend until he started making me uncomfortable IE touching, texting at random times of the day (including 2 in the morning), asking me out for dinner etc.(not to our school cafeteria or anything like that, to an actual restaurant just two of us) His facebook was also just covered with activities from/to me for like 2-3 days. -_-;; I found that a lil odd…</p>

<p>I wish he would pick up my signs because I’ve been distant and colder with him due to the uncomfortable nesss. I hardly talk to him unless he initiates it and I tend to cuss alot around him ROFL just to freak him out. And I really hate having people watch me what I’m doing on the computer and he would just stare at my screen for like 4 minutes until I’m like “hi… what are you doing?” and he’s like "oh i’m just seeing what you are doing <em>smile</em> " -_-</p>


lol… this guy wants to bang you, it’s pretty obvious. </p>

<p>you need to indirectly let him know that it’s never going to happen. just let him know that you have ZERO interest whatsoever. </p>

<p>coming from a guy, the quickest way to do this is to talk his ear off whenever you guys hang out. like, don’t let him speak or anything. just act completely self-absorbed and talk on and on about yourself. </p>

<p>and respond to his texts with one word answers. like “lol” and “haha”… pretty soon he’ll get the message and look for another girl.</p>


Lol, I can just imagine this guy going to an internet forum and asking, “How do I get out of her friend zone??”</p>

<p>You can do what my friend did, and ask another guy to prom, and crush your friend’s heart. :X</p>

<p><em>feels pain</em></p>

<p>Wow, chill. You’re going to keep experiencing all of this as life goes on. You need to start practicing now.</p>

<p>Basically if someone touches me and I’m not comfortable, I just say “hands off” and sometimes taking their hands off my body. It’s really direct and basically says “don’t touch unless I give you permission.” If he respects you enough, he’ll stop. Even if he’s a bit on jerky side.</p>

<p>And those goosebumps? Your body actually likes the touch. Your mind isn’t in sync with your body’s needs.</p>

<p>The next time he touches you, try telling him that you’re sorry, but you’re not really comfortable with guys being so physical like that unless you’re dating them, or something like that that makes it clear that it isn’t him specifically that’s the problem.</p>

<p>Touch him back. ;)</p>



<p>LOL NO. It was a goosebumps like… I just saw a roach kinda goosebump. ***.</p>

<p>And one day he started randomly playing with my ponytail and I was like ***. And one day I had my flip flops on… he tried to slide it off my feet with his feet and i was like O_O WHAT THE HELL.</p>

<p>and btw I don’t text him back ever yet he still sends me random txt messages.</p>

<p>OMG please just do you girl friend and leave me alone… T_T</p>

<p>Not all of this is his fault. If you’re allowing him to touch you like this, than he thinks it’s
OK. It’s obvious that the guy wants more than friendship and by not setting boundaries, you’re giving him mixed messages. You have two choices:<br>

  1. Drop him as a friend.
  2. Be straight with him and tell him that the relationship will never be anything more than a friendship.</p>